Time donation: factors influencing volunteering


  • Emerson Wagner Mainardes Fucape Business School
  • Rozélia Laurett Fucape Business School
  • Sarah Venturim Lasso FUCAPE Business School
  • Cristina Bastituta Novaes Fucape Business School
  • Gabriela Maffei Spinasse Fucape Business School




This study had as its general objective to identify the variables that motivate Brazilian individuals to get involved in volunteer work. As the specific objective, we sought to identify what motivates Brazilian individuals to get involved with voluntary work in three different types of organizations: Public/Private Foundations, Religious organizations and charitable organizations. To achieve these goals, a literature review was conducted and 18 variables where identified. These variables indicate the importance of volunteering for individuals and are associated according to their similarity in relation to internal and external factors. The research methodology was descriptive and quantitative, cross-sectional and used primary data. The variables were tested with 321 volunteers from various organizations and data were collected by questionnaires. Data analysis presented the sample characterization and descriptive statistics of volunteers and four multiple linear regressions. Results for the volunteer’s behavior demonstrated that self-esteem and social responsibility are positively associated with attribution of volunteering importance. On the other hand, feeling obligated to volunteer and seeking a better professional image through volunteering are negatively associated with attribution of volunteering importance. For volunteers who donate time for public/private foundations, self-esteem was positively associated and personal obligation was negatively associated regarding the importance of volunteering. As for volunteers providing services for religious organizations, the variable self-esteem was positively associated and the affinity with other donors was negatively associated with the importance of volunteering. Finally, for those donating time to charitable organizations, self-esteem and solidarity were positively associated and personal obligation was negatively associated with the importance of volunteering. 


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Biografia do Autor

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Fucape Business School

Brief professional biography: Emerson Wagner Mainardes is Ph.D. in Management (UBI, Covilhã/Portugal, 2010), Associate Professor at FUCAPE Business School, Vitória/ES, Brazil. His academic background includes a Master’s degree in Marketing Management (FURB, Blumenau/SC/Brazil, 2007), specialization in Management, and degree in Electrical Engineering. He is a teacher and researcher in Management and Marketing. He is a researchfellow in NECE (Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais). He is editor in chief of the Brazilian Business Review. Expertise: Educational Marketing, Services Marketing and Relationship Marketing.

Rozélia Laurett, Fucape Business School

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade Beira Interior (UBI - Covilhã/ Portugal - 2016), Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela FUCAPE Business School. Graduada em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade de Vila Velha - UVV (2008), MBA em Gerência de Projetos (Metodologia PMI) pela UVV (2011), MBA em Gestão de Pessoas com Ênfase em Psicologia, UNESC (2015). Atua nas seguintes áreas: Empreendedorismo, Marketing e Recursos Humanos. Experiência com setor público, privado e sem fins lucrativos.

Sarah Venturim Lasso, FUCAPE Business School

Master in Business Administration at FUCAPE Business School. Graduated in English  and English Literature at the Federal University of Espirito  Santo (Ufes-2009) and Post graduated in Educational Law. Expertise: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startups, Business Management and Marketing.

Cristina Bastituta Novaes, Fucape Business School

Master in Business Administration at Fucape Business School. Graduated in Management with expertise in Public Service, Marketing and Quality.

Gabriela Maffei Spinasse, Fucape Business School

Undergraduate student of Business Administration at Fucape Business School.





