Revista Cantareira 2023-01-29T22:09:19+00:00 - Open Journal Systems <p>A Cantareira é um periódico semestral organizado pelo corpo discente do Instituto de História da Universidade Federal Fluminense e recebe trabalhos inéditos, teóricos ou empíricos, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa no campo historiográfico. Além das contribuições para o Dossiê Temático, a revista recebe artigos, resenhas e transcrições documentais em <strong>fluxo contínuo</strong>.<br /><strong>ISSN</strong> 1677-7794</p> As Fronteiras ibéricas e a peste que grassava pela Andaluzia em princípios do século XIX 2022-04-25T02:00:49+00:00 Thiago Nicodemos Enes dos Santos <p>Os documentos aqui transcritos relacionam-se ao violento surto de febre amarela que assolou a Espanha peninsular na virada do século XVIII para o século seguinte. Além de tornar patente a gravidade da situação epidemiológica – sobretudo na região andaluz – os escritos evidenciam a preocupação dos vizinhos europeus em evitar que o contágio se alastrasse para além das fronteiras, com as autoridades portuguesas bastante temerosas e precavidas no resguardo de seu território e habitantes, impedindo a disseminação da peste que, em pior cenário, poderia acometer todo o luso império. Nos comentários, ademais de contextualizarmos sobre a produção das fontes salvaguardadas pelo Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, exploramos o seu potencial de pesquisa voltada à história das doenças e da saúde pública.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Entrevista com Patricia Palma 2023-01-29T21:16:23+00:00 Natalia Ceolin e Silva Rhaiane Leal 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Entrevista com Patricia Palma (Español) 2023-01-29T21:17:28+00:00 Natalia Ceolin e Silva Rhaiane Leal 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira História da saúde na América Latina (séculos XVI-XXI): instituições, sujeitos, debates e práticas 2023-01-29T21:14:13+00:00 Natalia Ceolin e Silva Rhaiane Leal 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira History of health in Latin America (16th to the 21st century): institutions, subjects, debates and practices 2023-01-29T21:15:16+00:00 Natalia Ceolin e Silva Rhaiane Leal 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Tensões sociais e criminalidade escrava em Diamantina-Minas Gerais (1871-1888) 2022-02-06T14:59:55+00:00 Larissa Chaves Pinto Edneila Rodrigues Chaves Alan Faber do Nascimento <p>O presente artigo consiste em analisar a criminalidade escrava em Diamantina, Minas Gerais, por meio de processos criminais com réus cativos durante o período de 1871 a 1888. O objetivo principal foi investigar os fatores que levaram escravos a cometerem atos criminalizados. Ao questionar se os crimes cometidos por escravos em Diamantina podem ser caracterizados apenas como atos contra a instituição escravista, constatou-se, que tais atos representaram também conflitos sociais estabelecidos entre o segmento subalterno e livre. A criminalidade, imbricada na escravidão, traz importantes perspectivas sobre as manifestações de descontentamento dos cativos com as situações do cotidiano que eles confrontavam ou que lhe eram impostas, mas que não se restringiam à relação de senhor e escravo. Assim, este estudo busca contribuir com a perspectiva que compreende a criminalidade escrava como uma das formas de manifestação de tensões sociais do cotidiano. Trata-se de perspectiva que supera a associação restrita entre criminalidade escrava e resistência à escravidão.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Representações do papel da mulher nos estudos de Natalie Zemon Davis sobre a Europa Moderna 2022-02-01T19:07:00+00:00 Isadora Regina Celso Barbosa <p>O presente trabalho tem como seu objetivo principal analisar as representações sobre o papel da mulher na Europa Moderna nas obras de Natalie Zemon Davis: Histórias de Perdão e seus narradores na França do século XVI (2001) e Nas margens (1997), sendo elas fontes de pesquisa e suas narrativas objeto de estudo deste trabalho, a partir da problematização de sua plausibilidade científica e a sua significação para as representações socioculturais das narrativas históricas presentes no período renascentista.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira The presence of calundu in Colonial Bahia (c.1697-1716) 2021-04-01T18:32:10+00:00 Lara Vieira <p>The article analyzes the calundus in Bahia during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Based on the process of Grácia, denounced as a ceremonialist, and letters written by commissioners of the Holy Office, this research aims to demonstrate that these rituals were present in daily life, despite inquisitorial repression. From the analysis of these cases, it will be shown that Afro-Brazilian beliefs were not isolated occurrences on the margins of society, but an integral part of society and therefore able to influence the religious experience of different ethnic and social groups.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira An honorable sociability: The Rio de Janeiro Fencing and Shooting Club in Gazeta de Notícias (1888) 2022-02-16T14:17:32+00:00 Vitor Wieth Porto <p>The following article aims to approach the Rio de Janeiro Fencing and Shooting Club in 1888, its first year of existence, as a privileged space for sociability of the upper-middle classes of the court. To this end, the news involving the association in the newspaper Gazeta de Notícias has been used. Relating the art of fencing and its use for the defense of honor through duels at the time, we aim to demonstrate how the said club provided various forms of sociability among its members and regulars through its weekly meetings and occasional parties, having the value of honor present in their activities.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira The International Relations pursuing the cinema: a cinematic look at Détente in the Cold War 2021-07-19T22:52:51+00:00 Vinicius Dalbelo <p>Since the 1990s, the International Relations discipline has been experiencing a “cultural turn”, when there was a theoretical-conceptual opening and the beginning of the incorporation of cultural studies. Although important, the results are still insufficient and scarce, with great possibilities for development, especially in the Brazilian academy. Among the recent successes, the incorporation of cinema as a source stands out. In this respect, this paper argues for the possibility of IR researchers to approach historians, given History has experienced a similar process in the 1970s, with important epistemological and methodological developments. This paper aims to understand the realist policy of détente and its importance for the Cold War through the cinematic gaze. In addition to its political, economic, social and security impact, this foreign policy had a significant cultural impact that could be felt, among other media, in the cinema. For this investigation, five films from the famous James Bond saga were selected between 1977 and 1985. Using the methods of context analysis and narrative analysis, we sought to identify the dialectical relationship between detente and the franchise.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Between framework and memory manipulation: the Instituto Superior de Educação Professor Aldo Muylaert’s celebrations (1990-2020) 2022-02-14T22:12:01+00:00 Laís Simão <p>This paper aims to analyze the construction of the narrative presented at the anniversary celebrations of the Instituto Superior de Educação Professor Aldo Muylaert (ISEPAM) occurred between the 1990s and the year 2020 and, from there, verify the possibility of thinking of the institution as a place of memory in Campos dos Goytacazes. To this purpose, notes will be made about the creation and trajectory of the Normal Schools in Brazil and in Campos dos Goytacazes, in a row we will introduce the theoretical discussions that support this article, so that it becomes possible to understand the problem present in the way in which the history of the Institute is recalled, what will be discussed throughout the text.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira A Clothes talk: 2021-11-25T20:54:06+00:00 Fernanda Bernardo Ronaldo Salvador Vasques Marcio Jose Silva <p>The purpose of this article is to analyze what the clothes of Brazil Colony between 1808 and 1822 communicate in terms of influence and social, cultural, and political context. The time frame of this article is 1808 - 1822 is the period between the arrival of the Royal Family of Portugal and their return to Portugal. Through a literature review we constructed the theoretical referential. The analyses of the images associated with the historiography describe the forms that represented the fashion and contextualize them to political, economic, social, and cultural factors of the time. There was a strong European influence adapted to the tropical weather, including lighter fabrics. And, there was a clear social division present in the clothing. Therefore, we recommend the development of more historical reconstructions, analyses of other portraits and clothes from this period, which can be helpful to other analyzes of this period.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira The Hell at Taula de Sant Miguel 2021-11-16T16:18:08+00:00 Luana Barbosa Miranda Souza <p>The Christian Hell, destiny of the damned after the Last Judgment, had several functions in the Middle Ages, but for centuries there was no consensus about its forms. From the 13th century, with the production and liturgical use of standardized images, visual representations of Hell became more frequent, and consequently, a more cohesive mental image of its space emerged. From a theoretical and methodological discussion based on the New Cultural History, we will analyze one of the infernal images of that period contained within the <em>Taula de Sant Miquel</em>, with the objective of verifying if the infernal geography in the iconography was already established. From the understanding of the relationship between what is exposed (representative) and its meaning (represented). But without considering the sign or the signifier as a support for the meaning, as if it had no importance. In our approach, on the contrary, the signifier and the signified are both important in the interpretive process.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Leprosy and public politics in Latin America between the end of the 19th and the 21st centuries. 2022-01-08T17:43:24+00:00 Adriano Violante dos Santos <p>The present article starts from the search about the politics and constructions applied to the control and treatment of leprosy by countries located in Latin America between the end of the 19th and 21st centuries. This chronological cut corresponds to a period when this disease was considered endemic and many countries in the region were undertaking political and social transformations. Looking at the Brazilian, Colombian and Venezuelan cases, it is expected the observation of the main elements that contributed to the use of compulsory isolation as a treatment model, as well as the effects resulting from this issue. Seeking also, the consideration of social movements related to people with leprosy and the struggles and organizations undertaken by them.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Between literature and politic 2022-06-10T10:51:09+00:00 Marconi Severo <p>This article is dedicated, based on the analysis of the duel between Raul Pompeia and Olavo Bilac (1892), to the study of external influences, especially political, exerted on the Brazilian artistic-literary field. I argue that the clash between the writers is a paradigmatic case of how much the political conflicts of the first republican governments influenced the configuration of the intellectual field at the time. Although the duel was suspended at the last moment, the influence of its real motivations would only cease with the end of the Floriano Peixoto Government (1891-1894), which allows us to affirm that in this period the clashes (in the double sense of the term) between the writers were essentially motivated by their positions and stances taken in the political-ideological field.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Representations of the healing profession in conflict. Licenciado Asensio Telles in Córdoba del Tucumán (1598) 2022-05-24T16:26:26+00:00 Justo R. Tapia <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article aims to investigate the elaborations of the personal image of the healing officials, the topics with which it was signified and the influence generated by social representations in a particular case of Spanish America. This case has been reconstructed based on the documents of a judicial lawsuit substantiated in Córdoba del Tucumán city during 1598 between a slave trader, Captain Pedro Sanches de Valençuela, and </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">licenciado</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Asensio Telles de Roxas. It is argued that the local construction of honor had a fundamental importance for the defense of this official in that conflict. Such a construction is appreciated by tracing the strongest links established by Telles and analyzing how he used them to defend him in court, which also involved a dispute over the validity of medical knowledge.</span></p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira The place of African diaspora in the global science 2022-05-24T16:21:17+00:00 Jacques Ferreira Pinto <p>The article intends to establish connections between the conceptual apparatus proposed by the historian of science Kapil Raj and three historical trajectories of agents of the healing arts in Brazil during the 19<sup>th</sup> century. First, we will present the concepts and debates proposed about the circulation of science and knowledge production by Kapil Raj. Second, we will focus on the analysis of the trajectories of agents of the healing arts working in slaveholding Brazil in the light of the concepts discussed. Thirdly, we will discuss criticisms made to Kapil Raj's propositions to develop further the debate. Finally, we will indicate evidence for new studies that focus both on the place of Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas regarding the production of knowledge and the circulation of science.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Von Martius hermeneutics on diseases and indigenous healing practices in the work “nature, diseases, medicine and remedies of the Brazilian Indians” (1844) 2022-05-24T16:15:32+00:00 Roberto Ramon Queiroz de Assis <p>This article seeks to problematize the descriptions of indigenous diseases and healing practices contained in the work <em>NATURE, DISEASES, MEDICINE AND REMEDIES OF THE BRAZILIAN INDIANS</em> (1844)This is a historiographical study through ethnographic data. After analyzing the material, we observed that traditional peoples have their own cosmology to deal with the processes of illness and healing. The naturalist Martius, when faced with a different culture, in his writings, uses a hermeneutic process making descriptions about the natives, from their cultural universe. Establishing power and ethnocentric relationships in this way, there is no relativity of cultures, notably the indigenous healing arts are disqualified by the gaze of the other. Finally, we note that Martius, when exercising his hermeneutics, provides us with a means of understanding the other, but we must always be aware of such constructions, as they reflect different cultural systems that must be problematized.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Um olhar sobre o Tratado sobre la fiebre biliosa y otras enfermidades de Marcos Rubio Sánches (1814) como fonte para história da saúde e doenças em Cuba 2022-10-27T18:18:36+00:00 Fillipe dos Santos Portugal Barbara Barbosa dos Santos <p>The present article is the result of an ongoing research, around an important document little explored in the Cuban historiography of diseases and health. The Treatise on la fiebre biliosa y otras infirmities, produced by the physician Marcos Rubio Sánches, as a text examined in 1814, in the context of economic and nosographic transformations, is a source that fits into the neo-Hippocratic medical scientific context of the period. Through this document that we have mobilized, it is possible to problematize the conflicts and heterogeneities in the midst of 19th century medical theories. In addition, Marcos' writings show us in an intense way the particularities of understandings about illness and healing in Latin America.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Agasalho e sustento dessa gente: 2022-07-16T14:11:17+00:00 Victor da Costa Santos <p><strong>The present article aims to present some of the sources that allowed tracing one of the facets of the importance given to the treatment of immigrants who landed on Brazilian territory in the second half of the nineteenth century. Thinking about the relationship between immigration policy and health in the defined period, we studied the hostels at Ilha do Bom Jesus, Morro da Saúde and Ilha das Flores, in order to understand what was done in terms of health and welfare to receive and welcome these immigrants at the Court and in the Province of Rio de Janeiro before they went to their final destination. Through ministerial reports and periodicals of the period, we sought to present the "orders" that managed these places of reception and reception of immigrants, taking into account the nuances of immigration and the contexts of insalubrity in the period of the prominent end of slavery.</strong></p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Between the “disinherited of luck” and the “abandoned by health”: the image of the Guestbook inmates of São Vicente de Paulo asylum in Goiás (1909-1930) 2022-05-24T16:16:47+00:00 Rildo Bento de Souza <p>The São Vicente de Paulo asylum was inaugurated in 1909 in Goiás, the state capital at that time, with the aim of sheltering the poor and sick who had no one to help them. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Guestbook of this institution from the date of its founding until 1930. It is intended to understand how the image of the inmates, the Vincentians, the Dominican Sisters and the institution itself appear in the 80 reports of the aforementioned document.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira The dangers of wet nurses to the nation in the work of Emílio Joaquim da Silva Maia (1834-1859) 2022-07-16T14:12:43+00:00 Diego Regio Giacomassi <p>Having as main object the medical essay of Silva Maia contrary to the habit of adopting slave wet nurses for the creation and breastfeeding of children of the Brazilian elites, this article sought to demonstrate critically how the medical hygiene defended by the author has affinities with the hegemonic power of his time. Possessing a possible racialist theory, this factor, as well as other arguments from his medical rhetoric, which sought to affirm the obligations of white women to the upbringing of children, were the main elements in which we were able to point out the positive relations between the author’s ideas and the social order of his time. Inserted in a reality heavily marked by racial and patriarchal values, the speech of Dr. Silva Maia held at the Medical Society of Rio de Janeiro, indirectly and unconsciously, may also represent the advance of the state under the brazilians elites, while, for Mattos (1987), the Conservative Regress (1836-1852), seeking to preserve the social order, threatened at the ends of the Regency and beginning of the Second Reign, sought to direct the population in a political, moral and intellectual way through several resources.</p> 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira Expediente e Sumário 2023-01-29T21:12:12+00:00 Revista Cantareira 2023-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Cantareira