Fenomenologia da representação nas histórias em quadrinhos, ou, como representar Um Pedaço de Madeira e Aço





This article aims to reflect on the representation in comics from a phenomenological perspective. It also aims to provide theoretical subsidies to those researchers who, interested in comics, their production and reception as objects of study, wish to examine them as an aesthetic-communicational phenomenon capable of provoking, in their readers, the desire to represent, along with the work of art, aspects of empirical reality. To this end, we enumerate some guiding principles for the analysis based on phenomenological aesthetic theories, especially those of Mikel Dufrenne (1973; 2015) and Wolfgang Iser (1978; 1989; 2000), and we take as empirical corpus, as a demonstration of our theoretical incursion, the comic book Park Bench, authored by the French artist Christophe Chabouté.


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Author Biography

Danilo Andrade Bittencourt, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Mestre em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Pesquisador membro do grupo de pesquisa Narrativas Ficcionais em Design, Educação e Cultura Pop (Pop Cult), na Universidade do Estado da Bahia.


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