Ensaios de Geografia
Essays of Geography | POSGEO-UFF
CAMARGO, Luís Henrique Ramos de. A flecha do espaço-tempo e a totalidade em totalização. Revista Ensaios de Geografia,
Niterói, vol. 7, nº14, pp. 79-97, maio-agosto de 2021.
Submissão em: 06/09/2020. Aceito em: 21/07/2021.
ISSN: 2316-8544
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma licença Creative Commons
This paper, which arises from a theoretical-conceptual review and which crossed different fields of
knowledge, in a transdisciplinary proposal, aims to present the arrow of space-time as a fundamental
element for the analytical understanding of the flows of energy and matter, which systematically integrate
the society with its natural environment, and directly alter planetary evolution. For the choice of method,
we reject Cartesian-Newtonian thinking because we understand its conceptual fragility, which fragments
space in relation to time and which is based on a precise and linear machine universe. Therefore, for this
research, the method of reading the systemic-quantum reality was chosen. This epistemology, in turn,
provided an understanding of phenomena such as the integration of space with time, unpredictability,
interconnectivity and self organization. In the development of the research and after a first conceptual
debate, aiming to consolidate our hypothesis, a comparison between ecological and non-ecological
agricultural soils was proposed. This choice was due to agricultural activity being the first, after the
emergence of the Holocene, to generate major impacts on the environment. Thus, when realizing the
importance of the place and its integrated relations with nature, it was shown that non-ecological soils
generate great instability in the natural systems that surround it, being able to create irreversible processes
in them. Such mechanism is due to the fact that this type of management uses a large amount of external
energy with machinery, pesticides, artificial irrigation, alteration of the production process, among other
issues. For such reasons, non-ecological areas of agriculture end up emitting great instabilities to the other
natural spheres that surround them, which may generate irreversible processes and that now, alongside other
processes, show the evolution of the planet in a new level of ecological-geological organization known as
Anthropocene. In turn, ecological soils that have systems in balance close to natural balance, as they are
not linked to large energy flows, end up maintaining old patterns of organization, and do not collaborate to
effect major changes in the development of the arrow(s) of space-time on the planet.
Keywords: Space-time; Complexity; Evolution.
Como ocorre a evolução da natureza? Qual o sentido da dinâmica dos fluxos de
energia e matéria planetários? Existe mudança criativa ou vivemos em um universo
máquina que nos prende ao eterno retorno? Heráclito ou Parmênides? Newton ou
Leibniz? Bergson ou Einstein?
Este artigo, desenvolvido em um estágio pós-doutoral no LAGESOLOS-UFRJ,
tem o objetivo de, a partir de uma revisão teórico-conceitual, trazer à comunidade
científica o significado da flecha do espaço-tempo como elemento analítico fundamental
na compreensão dos fluxos de energia e matéria que atravessam o planeta e que trazem,
por auto-organização, o que está por vir.
Para consolidar essa meta, a pesquisa não se apoiou na leitura cartesiana-
newtoniana-baconiana, tendo em vista que, neste paradigma, tanto o espaço como o
tempo são elementos próprios, funcionando de forma separada. Sendo assim, buscando
compreender a flecha do espaço-tempo, se tornaria impossível alcançar nosso objetivo.