Subjective impressions in abandoned architecture


  • Rafael Ferreira de Souza Universidade Federal Fluminense


Abandonment, Perception, Subjectivity, Phenomenology


The reflections contained in this article aim to highlight the relevance of the subjectivation processes apprehended as we explore cities and their architectures. By specifically discussing the perceptions and sensations captured in the confrontation with abandoned architecture, I seek ways of understanding and assimilation of subjective impressions acquired in this lived experience of architecture. The work begins with an introduction, followed by two sections, namely: (i) architecture, perception and meaning in place of abandonment; (ii) imagery in the experience of abandoned architecture, and subsequently the final considerations. The study presents conceptual subsidies of architects-theorists who used contributions from phenomenology in their writings, in order to elucidate existential issues contained in the intrinsic relationship between architecture and place. The article also features images of abandoned architectures present in the city of Petrópolis/RJ, with the intention of leading the reader to understand the abandoned architectural space and its language.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ferreira de Souza, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduado em Comunicação Social (UFRJ), Pós-graduado em Política e Planejamento Urbano (IPPUR/UFRJ) e Mestrando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PPGAU/UFF)


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How to Cite

Souza, R. F. de. (2021). Subjective impressions in abandoned architecture. Geograficidade, 11(Especial), 96-111. Retrieved from