Callaloo and Caruru: in search of the African legacy in foods - identities of the Black Atlantic


  • Maria Cândida Ferreira de Almeida UFMG / UFBA


African legacy, identities, cultural studies


This article proposes to investigate the contribution of traditional dishes - Caruru from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and Callaloo from Trinidad and Tobago – to the configuration of the group identities of those who consume these dishes. To this end I shall analyse these dishes by relating them to other cultural products created by these communities, such as music, literature, religion, searching for repetitions and differences in the cultural and identitarian constructions of these regions and using the study of food as a productive metaphor of these cultures.


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Author Biography

Maria Cândida Ferreira de Almeida, UFMG / UFBA

Doutora em Estudos Literários pela UFMG, publicou a tese sob o título Tornar-se outro: o topos canibal na literatura brasileira (Annablume, 2002), desenvolveu a pesquisa de caráter pós-doutoral Las Comidas Tradicionales en Tiempos de Globalización: la arepa se (trans)viste en hamburguesa junto à Universidad Central de Venezuela (2002). Atualmente tem uma bolsa de pesquisa Fapesb-UFBA com a qual busca produzir uma leitura racializada da literatura brasileira.



How to Cite

Almeida, M. C. F. de. (2005). Callaloo and Caruru: in search of the African legacy in foods - identities of the Black Atlantic. Gragoatá, 10(19). Retrieved from



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