Mandibular fracture by firegun projectile: classification diagnosis and treatment


  • Benedito Carneiro Neto Faculdade Pitágoras São Luís – MA, Brasil.
  • Wendel Chaves Carvalho Faculdade Pitágoras São Luís – MA, Brasil.
  • Caroline Rodrigues Thomes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória/ES
  • Jonata Leal dos Santos Faculdade Pitágoras Imperatriz – MA, Brasil.
  • Ciro Borges Duailibe de Deus Universidade Estácio de Sá, São Luís/MA



Introduction: The incidence of urban violence affects the world as a whole and injuries resulting from firearm projectiles (FAP) are considered within the segment of violence, increasing the occurrence of death and serious injuries. Objectives: The main objective of the present study was to present the mandibular region in a coherent/cohesive way as one of the places with a high incidence of facial trauma by firearms, based on the literature, describing its classification, diagnosis and treatment. Methods: A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, through a narrative bibliographic review of articles selected from PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar and books databases, using the descriptors: "Firearms", "Jaw" and "Facial injuries", selecting studies from the last ten years published in Portuguese and English. Results: Studies point to a significant increase in the occurrence of facial trauma in recent times, mainly associated with the mandibular bone. There are a myriad of causes for mandibular injuries, which can result in lesions complicated by significant blood loss, resulting from the presence of lesions in arteries, veins and nerves, in addition to the loss of bone structures and cavitations. Fractures resulting from firearms follow the same principle as the general classification of mandibular fractures. The care for these patients must be systematized and multidisciplinary, in order to provide the correct sequence of treatment and to avoid neglecting possible fractures in trauma. In general, the two main proposals for the treatment of mandibular fractures are through closed reduction and surgical treatment. Conclusion: The choice of the ideal conduct is based on the professional's experience depend on the type of fracture that has occurred, which will be diagnosed from a very detailed clinical examination, associated with the imaging exam.

Keywords: Firearms; Jaw; Facial injuries.


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