Odontogenic infections pathogenesis and systemic repercussions
The head and neck region can be affected by infectious diseases of non-odontogenic or odontogenic origin - the latter usually having an endodontic cause. Oral health is part of an individual's body system, thus, neglecting its care generates a systemic impact. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the development of odontogenic infections from pulpal necrosis to possible systemic repercussions, such as: Ludwing's Angina, Necrotizing Mediastinitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Bacterial Endocarditis, Maxillary Sinusitis and Osteomyelitis. It is extremely important that the dental surgeon knows the pathogenesis of these infections, so that he is able to make an early and accurate diagnosis, as well as know how to use prevention protocols and conducts, in order to avoid serious systemic complications. From this elucidation, it will be possible to avoid the illness of the body generated by a disease of the oral cavity.
Keywords: Odontogenic infection; Endodontic infection; Odontogenic Infections; Systemic diseases; Focal odontogenic infection; Etiology and treatment of odontogenic infections.