Ophthalmologic changes associated from local anesthesia: Aspects of interest to Dentistry
Ophthalmologic complications resulting from the use of local anesthetics in dentistry have a low rate of occurrence. However, it is essential to recognize and conduct the dentist in the face of these possible complications. This study aims to identify ophthalmologic alterations resulting from the injection of local anesthetics. A literature review was conducted describing the possible pathologies, the most affected structures, the most susceptible anesthetic techniques, as well as the correct conduct if it occurs and the importance of the differential diagnosis, since ophthalmologic alterations are present in other alterations, such as central lesions. Complications, although temporary and generally benign, can be distressing for both the patient and the professional, being extremely important the recognition of altered structures, allowing proper explanation to the patient and conduct to be performed.
Keywords: Intraoral anesthesia; Ocular complications; Lower alveolar nerve, Posterior upper alveolar nerve