Oral health care for patients under antiresorptive therapy
The dental scenario has shown many cases of odontogenic infection, including some that ended with death. Along with these facts, there has been an increasing prescription of antiresorptive drugs, both in private and Unified Health System (SUS) Health Services. Injectable bisphosphonates have well-established beneficial action for controlling osseous metastasis. Nevertheless, avascular osteonecrosis of the bucomaxillofacial complex has been pointed out as an important side effect. Such a condition has also been reported under treatment with antiangiogenic drugs and immunological checkpoints inhibitors. This literature review aimed at offering a protocol to support the clinical practice of general dental practitioners in Primary Health Care Units from Campinas-SP Municipality, in face of frequent use of antiresorptive drugs and a repressed demand for oral health care, which takes place with thorough return of activities after COVID-19 pandemic peak. On the basis of scientific knowledge about medication-related osteonecrosis, it may be suggested that staffs in Primary Health Care Units adopt preventive measures, providing oral health care preferably before the beginning of antiresorptive therapy. However, for patients who are already under antiresorptive therapy and need invasive oral interventions, it is recommended a multidisciplinary approach, comprising Dentists from Primary and Secondary Health Care Units, trying to intercept possible complications of urgent invasive oral interventions. Besides, patients under use of antiresorptive medications require long-term follow-up, to avoid the need for invasive oral procedures or to make early diagnosis of osteonecrosis.
Keywords: Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw, Oral Health, Unified, Health System.