Apexification, apexogenesis and revascularization, concepts and clinical management: a literature review
Endodontic treatment on teeths with incomplete rhizogenesis requires special
attention, since conventional treatment is infeasible and we must avoid the loss of permanent
teeth. Most often, the causes that interrupt root formation are dental trauma and extensive
caries, which can reach the coronary pulp and may even lead to pulpal necrosis. Currently,
these cases have been treated through apexification, apexogenesis and pulpal
revascularization, with the use of calcium hydroxide, antibiotic and MTA (Aggregate mineral
trioxide) base medications. In these techniques, the intent is to induce complete root
development or apical closure by calcified hard tissue. The objective of this work was to carry
out a review of literature, using scientific articles available on the Café platform (UFF), Scielo
and PubMed, in order to describe the concepts of apexification, apexogenesis and
revascularization, exposing their indications and ideal clinical procedures for the realization
of these treatments. It can be concluded that they are simple clinical procedures and of
knowledge extremely important for any dentist, since they are emergency treatments that are
quite common day by day. In addition, it is known that one needs to maintain a permanent
healthy tooth in the mouth, which can avoid major problems in the future.
Keywords: Apexogenesis. Apexification. Revascularization. Incomplete rhizogenesis. Calcium hydroxide. Mineral trioxide aggregate.