Mundo Livre: Revista Multidisciplinar <p>Criada em 2015, a Revista Mundo Livre é uma publicação multidisciplinar do Instituto de Ciências da Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Regional (ESR) da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) em Campos dos Goytacazes. Em seu processo editorial, privilegia trabalhos inéditos e originais desenvolvidos por estudantes de graduação e de pós-graduação, professores e profissionais vinculados às áreas das ciências humanas, ciências sociais e ciências sociais aplicadas com ênfase nas áreas de Ciências Econômicas, Ciências Sociais, Geografia, História, Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Psicologia e Serviço Social. O periódico recebe trabalhos em fluxo contínuo de forma <em>on line</em>. Os autores devem tomar ciência e adequar seus trabalhos às normas da revista, descritas na seção <a title="Diretrizes para os Autores" href="">Diretrizes para os Autores.</a></p> pt-BR <div><p>Autores que publicam nesta revista concordam com os seguintes termos:</p></div><p>1.Autores mantém os direitos autorais e concedem à revista o direito de primeira publicação, com o trabalho simultaneamente licenciado sob a <a href="" target="_blank">Licença Creative Commons Attribution</a> que permite o compartilhamento do trabalho com reconhecimento da autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p><p>2.Autores têm autorização para assumir contratos adicionais separadamente, para distribuição não-exclusiva da versão do trabalho publicada nesta revista (ex.: publicar em repositório institucional ou como capítulo de livro), com reconhecimento de autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p><p>3.Autores têm permissão e são estimulados a publicar e distribuir seu trabalho online (ex.: em repositórios institucionais ou na sua página pessoal) a qualquer ponto antes ou durante o processo editorial, já que isso pode gerar alterações produtivas, bem como aumentar o impacto e a citação do trabalho publicado.</p> (Revista Mundo Livre) (Equipe Editorial) Wed, 29 May 2024 21:36:54 +0000 OJS 60 A relevância regional de um periódico acadêmico <p>Editorial do volume 9, número 2.</p> Cecília Souza Oliveira, Mariele Troiano, Thulio Pereira Dias Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 Cecília Souza Oliveira, Mariele Troiano, Thulio Pereira Dias Gomes Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dores e amores <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The pains and loves suffered are the theme of Juliana Maria Hilel's poems. The verses describe historical facts about pain and conflicts, leaving visceral marks on society as a whole. The poems are filled with blood and cries of struggle, raising flags against prejudices and social violence. For Juliana Hilel, the doors to art are still very closed; it is necessary to take our voice where it can be heard.</span></p> Juliana Maria Hilel Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Maria Hilel Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pre Social Jorge da Paz Almeida <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This text is a report on the management experience of Pré Social Jorge da Paz Almeida, one of the extension projects operating at the Institute of Society Sciences and Regional Development, at the Fluminense Federal University, in Campos dos Goytacazes. This is a descriptive and reflective study from the perspective of the actors involved in coordinating the project and aims to record their views and assessments of this teamwork, its challenges and achievements. Among the main results of this critical itinerary are the construction of a collaborative environment, the effective functioning of the teaching-research-extension trip together with scholarship holders and volunteers, the expansion of the number of vacancies and the integration of pre-university students into the university through of various extra-class projects.</span></p> Jacqueline da Silva Deolindo, Kátia Cristiane Vomero Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Jacqueline da Silva Deolindo, Kátia Cristiane Vomero Pereira Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Diversity and citizenship <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) oferece a oportunidade de conclusão da Educação Básica aos que por variados motivos não a finalizaram na idade regular. Indivíduos que possuem ampla experiência de vida carecem de metodologias diferenciadas, que abordam as situações cotidianas dos discentes, junto aos conteúdos estudados. Este trabalho baseia-se na temática diversidade e cidadania na EJA. Utilizamos a metodologia de aplicação do projeto de intervenção, a partir da inserção de um grupo de estudos para contextualizar a obra literária </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Quarto de despejo,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> da autora Carolina Maria de Jesus, multidisciplinarmente. Todavia, objetivando o incentivo à leitura e estímulo do pensamento crítico do educando com ênfase na história do negro periférico, que ocupa a maioria das vagas na modalidade supracitada, relacionando e problematizando as questões frequentes e atuais ao conteúdo curricular. A experiência possibilitou a inserção de temas afro-brasileiros e o cumprimento da lei 10.639/03. Para explicar o contexto do livro é necessário recorrer a história desde a escravidão, pós abolição e ocupação das comunidades urbanas, o que corroborou para um melhor conhecimento do assunto, culminando em uma educação participativa e antirracista em sala de aula.</span></p> Karina Ribeiro Soares Reis Copyright (c) 2024 Karina Ribeiro Soares Reis Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The and struggle movements and the construction of rural education in the southeast of the Paraense Amazon <p>In a country as unequal as Brazil, the agrarian question, the struggle for agrarian reform and education in these territories need to be highlighted and discussed, especially at this moment of the uprising of fascism in our country. In order to visualize the historical-political plots of rural social movements in the southeast of the Paraense Amazon, this article seeks to address the creation of rural settlements as a territory of life and learning. In this sense, the objective of this article was to present the main historical facts of the constitution of these territories and how the process of struggle for land, life and education in the countryside is organized. As these territories are organized by rural workers, the southeast of Pará is changing its land and educational structure. There are currently 514 land reform settlement projects in southeastern Pará, where 72,162 families settled in this region reside (INCRA, 2017). It covers an area of ​​43,177.51 square kilometers, about 14.53% of the southeast region of Pará. In a territory in permanent dispute, it is concluded that rural workers are on the move, mobilizing and articulating in search of their rights for life, land and knowledge. The fight continues for an education that is liberating, that has justice and social dignity in the countryside, in short, for a society without concentration of income, power and knowledge.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Key words: </strong>Parense Amazon. Education. Land reform</p> Leandro Ferreira da Silva, Maria Cristina dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Leandro Ferreira da Silva, Maria Cristina dos Santos Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The emancipatory process of Italva (1960-1980) and its relationship with the construction of the municipality’s <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article analyzes the memories of events and characters from the emancipatory process of Italva, a city located in the northwest region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which was part of Campos dos Goytacazes until 1986. The emancipatory process in question can be understood from two organizations: the first, between the 1960s and 1970s during the period of the Military Dictatorship and, the second, from 1980 onwards with the “democratic opening”. In this sense, it will be perfectly how some memories built in a context of political disputes can be related to the construction of an identity for the city. Meanwhile, we will compare the emancipation memories exalted by the book Italva em Versos: the emancipation of Italva told by its greatest poet, by Antonio Carlos Bernardo (1991), preparation for an official/dominant discourse with the memories rescued from the methodology of Oral History, highlighting contradictions that could harm the cohesion around the regional identity of the municipality.</span></p> Luan Barreto Vilela Copyright (c) 2024 Luan Barreto Vilela Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Uma análise das relações internacionais do Partido dos Trabalhadores durante a década de 1980 e sua influência na campanha presidencial de 1989 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de construção das relações internacionais do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) durante a década de 1980, com a intenção de compreender a influência de tais relações nas propostas de política externa defendidas pelo partido na campanha presidencial de 1989, que tinham como centralidade a construção de uma autonomia relativa para os países latino-americanos em relação aos países hegemônicos na geopolítica mundial. Para tal fim, serão analisados o contexto histórico de fundação do partido, as resoluções dos encontros e congressos nacionais realizados durante a décadas de 1980, bem como bibliografia especializada no tema. Além disso, será analisado o plano de governo defendido pelo PT durante a campanha presidencial de 1989. Como observado, as pautas centrais expostas pelo PT nas propostas de política externa em seu plano de governo durante a campanha presidencial de 1989 ressaltam a defesa da autodeterminação dos povos, o repúdio às investidas imperialistas por parte dos centros hegemônicos e a construção de um processo de integração regional entre as nações latino-americanas. </span></p> Nicholas de Souza Manhães Copyright (c) 2024 Nicholas de Souza Manhães Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The psychic suffering in the historical course of western society <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article aims to present an analysis of the meanings of psychic suffering and the care models adopted in the historical course of Western society, in order to approach the factors that influenced the person in psychological distress to be socially excluded and also to understand the transformations and criticisms of the operationalization of these models, which had repercussions on the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform from the National Anti-Asylum Movement. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Methodologically, the article is structured in a bibliographical study, from the survey of literature relevant to the theme and regulations referring to mental health policy in Brazil</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Its results indicate that the Anti-Asylum Fight Movement does not express itself in isolation from other social movements, but is inserted in social, democratic and political struggles. As a result of the National Anti-Asylum Movement, we emphasize the Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) as a new model of care for psychic suffering in Brazil and an important deinstitutionalization device.</span></p> Rayanne Tropiano dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Rayanne Tropiano dos Santos Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 O Afrocentric scientific practice <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A pretensão inicial deste dossiê foi, desde a sua formulação, construir novos espaços de divulgação de saberes em relação aos conhecimentos advindos, ressignificados, apropriados e reproduzidos pelos afrodescendentes e visibilizar suas cosmogonias, cosmovisões, epistemologias, axiologias e teleologias. O dossiê buscava, assim, reunir produções acadêmicas que lançassem seus olhares para as múltiplas formas de construção do aparato científico, a partir de teorias e metodologias sensíveis à produção científica negra nas mais variadas regiões do globo.</span></p> Rafael Barbosa de Jesus Santana Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael Barbosa de Jesus Santana Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The decolonization of North American culture and the cross-cultural pollination of African dance on American soil <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;" align="justify"><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article is part of an ongoing Scientific Initiation research whose objective is to problematize the history of Jazz Dance from a cultural and critical perspective, reviewing and systematizing concepts, the organization processes of this dance manifestation in view of the variations of time, place and intensity. Under a qualitative approach, this is a descriptive research, in which the data were cataloged and organized, through the construction of a historiographical survey in which the period of time that goes from 1526, through the abolition of slavery, is used as a research field. North American culture until the mid-1920s. Being presented here, the elements referring to labor relations and subversion of power from the decolonization of North American culture and some developments in black artistic production during the first half of the twentieth century in the United States United. Demonstrating how all Afro-descendant cultural expression served as resistance and confrontation with the inhuman situation they experienced throughout the period covered in this work.</span></p> Luana Martins Oliveira, Rosana Aparecida Pimenta Copyright (c) 2024 Rosana Aparecida Pimenta, Luana Martins Oliveira Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DECOLONIZING PSYCHOLOGY: <p>This article is the result of a research project for the completion of a psychology degree at a private university in the second semester of 2021. The research aimed to conduct a survey on the invisibility of Black theorists in psychology and racial issues, as well as to reflect on this erasure and how it can impact the academic training in undergraduate psychology programs. The study also partially delimits the research of Black intellectuals whose knowledge production is embedded in the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis. Thus, the study intends to not only highlight the erasure of these contributions but also demonstrate how valuable they are for the decolonization of psychological knowledge.</p> Elvis Dutra Laurindo, João Lucas Saraiva Martins, Catia Cristine Leite de Almeida Copyright (c) 2023 Elvis Dutra Laurindo, João Lucas Saraiva Martins, Catia Cristine Leite de Almeida Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transgressing linguistic education <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Despite having turned 20 years old in January 2023, Law 10.639/2003 continues to be unknown and not implemented by education professionals. This law makes it mandatory to teach African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture. Thus, the course 'Racism and Antiracisms in Language Teaching' was conducted, and this text, the result of its implementation, aims to expose and describe it, from its planning to its conclusion. Methodologically, it is a documentary analysis; in addition, this writing also uses memories of the experiences lived during the course. The theoretical references used in this writing are: Nascimento (2019), Souza Neto (2021), Ferreira (2018), and the aforementioned laws and the BNCC itself. Thus, we can infer that there is still a panorama of ignorance and non-implementation of the laws mentioned above. However, with coherent training and content that dialogue with the themes of African, Afro-Brazilian, and indigenous history and culture, teachers can learn how to implement the mentioned laws, even in the face of curricula that align with these themes or even do not include them in their content. The mentioned course provided theoretical-practical approaches that can help education professionals implement Laws 10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008 in language teaching and promote an anti-racist education in schools.</span></p> Andressa Queiroz da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Andressa Queiroz da Silva Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Decolonial thinking and original people <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this manuscript is to discuss decolonial thinking as a strategy for the recognition of multiculturalism in valuing the ancestry of knowledge of indigenous peoples and interculturality in indigenous school education. It starts from the assumption that multiculturalism allows understanding the indigenous cosmovision for bilingual education. The methodology used was qualitative research through bibliographical and documentary review. The narrative supported by anthropocentric and ethnocentric discourse allows distancing from the experiences of everyday life and social and cultural practices to preserve the indigenous cosmovision of the world and the ancestral knowledge of different ethnocultural groups that make up contemporary Brazilian society. One observes the strengthening of the identity of the original peoples, transgressing ancestral knowledge to overcome the colonization of thought in educational policy in Brazil, mainly on indigenous school education. Therefore, overcoming the assumptions of the colonization of rooted thought through an anthropocentric and ethnocentric vision promotes an indigenous school education based on the interculturality advocated in the epistemology of decolonial thought, recognizing multiculturalism and the protagonism of ethnic and cultural identities between original peoples and traditional communities.</span></p> Julio César Mascoto de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Julio César Mascoto de Souza Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of race and sexuality markers on the completeness of the women's health service <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As well as economic and social inequalities, gender and race also influence the health of a given group. To present the profile of women assisted in a Nursing Office considering race and sexuality. The work descriptives, documentary, retrospective, quantitative study that used as a basis the secondary data contained in the medical records of women attended at the Nursing Office, between the years 2017 to 2022. 342 women participated in the study, of these there was a higher proportion of women: black/brown 39.2% and heterosexual 60.6%. However, among lesbians and bisexuals, 60% self-declared black and brown. The results point to the importance of the role of nurses in educational practices in health and their work in Nursing Offices, taking into account the diversity of genders and racial as social determinants of health, in guaranteeing comprehensive health care.</span></p> Jane Baptista Quitete, Hilmara Ferreira da Silva, Juliet Ribeiro de Souza Lacerda, Beatriz Cristina de Oliveira Rocha, Belisa Maria dos Santos da Silva, Brenda Freitas Pontes, Thayná Oliveira Paixão Copyright (c) 2024 Jane Baptista Quitete, Hilmara Ferreira da Silva , Juliet Ribeiro de Souza Lacerda, Beatriz Cristina de Oliveira Rocha , Belisa Maria dos Santos da Silva, Brenda Freitas Pontes, Thayná Oliveira Paixão Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A luta de mulheres negras na literatura e na sociedade <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A equipe da Revista Mundo Livre entrevistou Bianca Santana de modo assíncrono e síncrono durante o mês de novembro de 2023. A entrevista concedida pela escritora destaca a interseção entre escrita, feminismo negro e luta antirracista. Santana discute o poder da escrita como uma ferramenta para combater o racismo, destacando a importância de narrativas diversas e autênticas. Ela enfatiza a necessidade de ampliar as vozes das mulheres negras na literatura e na sociedade, desafiando estereótipos e promovendo uma representação mais justa e inclusiva. Sua entrevista oferece </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">insights </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">valiosos sobre como a escrita pode ser usada como uma ferramenta poderosa para promover a justiça social e o ativismo antirracista, destacando a urgência de criar espaços para fortalecer e valorizar a perspectivas de pessoas negras.</span></p> Bianca Santana Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca Santana Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000