HOHENDORFF, Raquel Von; CANTALI, Ferananda Borghetti; D'ÁVILA,
Fernanda Felitti da S. Inteligência artificial e
direitos autorais: desafios e
possibilidades no cenário jurídico brasileiro e internacional
PragMATIZES - Revista Latino-
Americana de Estudos em Cultura,
por inteligenciasartificiales, e enun formato que puede ser considerado original y creativo. Tal
hechodio lugar a laconfrontación teó
por derechos de autor. Existen al menos trescorrientes teóricas sobre el tema:
laprimeraasignalosderechos de autor directamente a lainteligencia artificial, a través de lacreaciónde
una personalidad electrónica o desarrollando una coautoríaco
asignaderechos de autor al desarrolladordelsoftware o lacompañía detrás de lainversión; y latercera
argumenta que no haynecesidad de hablar de derechos de autor, en este caso eltrabajopertenece al
dominio público. La discusió
ndel tema enfrenta preguntas profundamente arraigadas sobre la forma
en que los seres humanos entiendenel mundo, de grancomplejidad, relacionadas con problemas
filosóficos, psicológicos, sociales y tambiénlegales. Y es por esta razón que ninguna de lascorr
teóricas presentadas puede resolver completamente todos losdesafíosimpuestos a laLey de
Derechos de Autor, ya que el cerne para resolver el tema propuesto es lacomprensión de
lainteligencia humana ensímisma y sus limitaciones. Para larealizacióndela
basadoenlainvestigaciónexploratoria y bibliográfica, comenzamoscon casos concretos, utilizando el
método inductivo para preparar eltrabajo.
Palabras clave:
intelligence and copyright law: challenges and possibilities in the Brazilian and
international legal scenario
It is undeniable that artificial intelligence software increasingly produces content
previously only affected humans. Since 197
intelligences and even in a format that can be considered original and creative. This fact gave rise to
the theoretic
al confrontation about the (in)
are at least three theories on the subject: the first assigns copyright directly to artificial intelligence,
from the creation of an electronic personality, or by developing a co
intelligence; the second assigns copyrig
investment, and the third argues that there is no need to talk about copyright in this case, because the
work would belong to the public domain. The discussion of the subject faces deep
about the way human beings understand the world, of great complexity, related to philosophical,
psychological, social and also legal problems. And it is for this reason that none of the theoretical
currents presented are able to fully solve all the chall
of the matter for solving the proposed issue is the understanding of human intelligence itself and its
limitations. For the realization of the theoretical analysis, based on exploratory and bibliographic
rch, we started with concrete cases, using, therefore, the inductive method for preparing the
Keywords: Artificial intelligence
Inteligência artificial e direitos autorais: desafios e possibilidades no cenário
jurídico brasileiro e internacional
1. Introdução
A inteligência artificial já faz
parte do dia a dia de muitas pessoas.
Cada vez mais, o ser humano se
(Dossiê Cultura, Tecnologia e Sociedade
HOHENDORFF, Raquel Von; CANTALI, Ferananda Borghetti; D'ÁVILA,
direitos autorais: desafios e
possibilidades no cenário jurídico brasileiro e internacional
Americana de Estudos em Cultura,
por inteligenciasartificiales, e enun formato que puede ser considerado original y creativo. Tal
hechodio lugar a laconfrontación teó
rica sobre la (im)
posibilidad de que tales obras estén prote
por derechos de autor. Existen al menos trescorrientes teóricas sobre el tema:
laprimeraasignalosderechos de autor directamente a lainteligencia artificial, a través de lacreaciónde
una personalidad electrónica o desarrollando una coautoríaco
igencia artificial; la segunda
asignaderechos de autor al desarrolladordelsoftware o lacompañía detrás de lainversión; y latercera
argumenta que no haynecesidad de hablar de derechos de autor, en este caso eltrabajopertenece al
ndel tema enfrenta preguntas profundamente arraigadas sobre la forma
en que los seres humanos entiendenel mundo, de grancomplejidad, relacionadas con problemas
filosóficos, psicológicos, sociales y tambiénlegales. Y es por esta razón que ninguna de lascorr
teóricas presentadas puede resolver completamente todos losdesafíosimpuestos a laLey de
Derechos de Autor, ya que el cerne para resolver el tema propuesto es lacomprensión de
lainteligencia humana ensímisma y sus limitaciones. Para larealizacióndela
basadoenlainvestigaciónexploratoria y bibliográfica, comenzamoscon casos concretos, utilizando el
método inductivo para preparar eltrabajo.
;obras intelectuales;derecho autoral.
intelligence and copyright law: challenges and possibilities in the Brazilian and
It is undeniable that artificial intelligence software increasingly produces content
previously only affected humans. Since 197
0, there have been artistic works created by artificial
intelligences and even in a format that can be considered original and creative. This fact gave rise to
al confrontation about the (in)
possibility of such works being protected by copyrig
are at least three theories on the subject: the first assigns copyright directly to artificial intelligence,
from the creation of an electronic personality, or by developing a co
authorship with artificial
intelligence; the second assigns copyrig
ht to the software developer or the company behind the
investment, and the third argues that there is no need to talk about copyright in this case, because the
work would belong to the public domain. The discussion of the subject faces deep
about the way human beings understand the world, of great complexity, related to philosophical,
psychological, social and also legal problems. And it is for this reason that none of the theoretical
currents presented are able to fully solve all the chall
enges imposed on Copyright Law, since the crux
of the matter for solving the proposed issue is the understanding of human intelligence itself and its
limitations. For the realization of the theoretical analysis, based on exploratory and bibliographic
rch, we started with concrete cases, using, therefore, the inductive method for preparing the
ntellectual works;copyright.
Inteligência artificial e direitos autorais: desafios e possibilidades no cenário
jurídico brasileiro e internacional
A inteligência artificial já faz
parte do dia a dia de muitas pessoas.
Cada vez mais, o ser humano se
utiliza de
suporte nas mais diversas áreas e
atividades, especialmente com o
advento da quarta revolução industrial
- ISSN 2237-1508
(Dossiê Cultura, Tecnologia e Sociedade
por inteligenciasartificiales, e enun formato que puede ser considerado original y creativo. Tal
posibilidad de que tales obras estén prote
por derechos de autor. Existen al menos trescorrientes teóricas sobre el tema:
laprimeraasignalosderechos de autor directamente a lainteligencia artificial, a través de lacreaciónde
igencia artificial; la segunda
asignaderechos de autor al desarrolladordelsoftware o lacompañía detrás de lainversión; y latercera
argumenta que no haynecesidad de hablar de derechos de autor, en este caso eltrabajopertenece al
ndel tema enfrenta preguntas profundamente arraigadas sobre la forma
en que los seres humanos entiendenel mundo, de grancomplejidad, relacionadas con problemas
filosóficos, psicológicos, sociales y tambiénlegales. Y es por esta razón que ninguna de lascorr
teóricas presentadas puede resolver completamente todos losdesafíosimpuestos a laLey de
Derechos de Autor, ya que el cerne para resolver el tema propuesto es lacomprensión de
lainteligencia humana ensímisma y sus limitaciones. Para larealizacióndela
nálisis teórico,
basadoenlainvestigaciónexploratoria y bibliográfica, comenzamoscon casos concretos, utilizando el
intelligence and copyright law: challenges and possibilities in the Brazilian and
It is undeniable that artificial intelligence software increasingly produces content
s that
0, there have been artistic works created by artificial
intelligences and even in a format that can be considered original and creative. This fact gave rise to
possibility of such works being protected by copyrig
ht. There
are at least three theories on the subject: the first assigns copyright directly to artificial intelligence,
authorship with artificial
ht to the software developer or the company behind the
investment, and the third argues that there is no need to talk about copyright in this case, because the
work would belong to the public domain. The discussion of the subject faces deep
-rooted questions
about the way human beings understand the world, of great complexity, related to philosophical,
psychological, social and also legal problems. And it is for this reason that none of the theoretical
enges imposed on Copyright Law, since the crux
of the matter for solving the proposed issue is the understanding of human intelligence itself and its
limitations. For the realization of the theoretical analysis, based on exploratory and bibliographic
rch, we started with concrete cases, using, therefore, the inductive method for preparing the
Inteligência artificial e direitos autorais: desafios e possibilidades no cenário
para lhe dar
suporte nas mais diversas áreas e
atividades, especialmente com o
advento da quarta revolução industrial