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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22409/mov.v7i14.47356


This year 2020 marks 55 years of Post-Graduate Programs, counted from Opinion Legal Sucupira (Opinion CFE nº 977/65).  Over the years, the university in general and the Post-Graduate Program have undergone significant changes with regard to their autonomy, forms of funding, duration of courses and training of qualified personnel. At the same time, the conversion of research into a systematic activity, with the purpose of responding to the process of internationalization of the economy/labor/technology, propitiated the development and solidification of the National System of  Science, Technology and Innovation. It also called for the organization of an articulated education system, composed of universities, schools, colleges and isolated institutes, institutes linked to universities and institutions of scientific and technological professional training of higher education.  In this sense, all areas of knowledge, Exact and Earth Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Linguistics, Letters and Arts, have been giving answers to this process of modification that has occurred since then, being education transversal to all of them.

In this context, we present to readers the fourteenth edition, a Special Edition, of the Movement – Education Journal of the Post-Graduate Program in Education and the Faculty of Education of the Fluminense Federal University.

The Dossier, entitled  55 years of Post-Graduate in Brazil, seeks to rescue and preserve the memory of the genesis of the Brazilian Graduate Program and aspects of its development, going through the University Reform of 1968, until the days that run, and is organized in twelve articles, an interview,  five documents and one review..

The first article of the dossier, entitled Half a century of Post-Graduate in Brazil from the heroic period to the productivism by the mediation of a model superior to its matrices, by Dermeval Saviani, it analyzes the process of implementation of post-graduate studies in Brazil, configured as a new superior model, based on the  American and European models and points to the problem around the risks of mischaracterization of the Brazilian post-graduate model that manifest itself in academic productivism.  

In the article The Post-Graduate in Brazil: itineraries and challenges, Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury reveals the historical and legal elements of this trajectory, highlighting, on the one hand, the proactive action of the State in the formation of academic elites  preparedfor scientific researchactivities and, on the other hand, the presence of the scientific community in committees, evaluations related to graduate studies. This did not mean the absence of criticism and problematizations.

In  The Collective Health: contributions to the Brazilian Post-Graduate,  Everardo Duarte Nunes  is  based on primary sources in the areas of education and collective health - epidemiology, socialsciences in healthand planning, with the task of analyzing  the concept of Collective Health and the relations established between it and the development of post-graduate studies in Brazil, particularly the constitution of Programs in Collective Health..  

Adriana Marcondes Machado, Beatriz Saks Hahne and Carolina Terruggi Martinez, in Facing Writing-In-Debt in researchers’ formation, uncover the malaise caused in bodies of professors and student researchers such as stress, depression and anxiety. According to the authors, the relationship with writing begins to be lived as something of the protocol order as so as thing of the impossible under the  supremacy of quantitative evaluation, the limitation of deadlines and the urgent need to publish articles as continuous activity in name of good evaluations and the justification for granting of scholarships,  among other imperatives.

          In the manuscript The Post-Graduate in Brazilians Regional Centers as a place for internationalization at home, by  Egeslaine de Nez  and  Marilia Costa Morosini, the authors highlight the importance of graduate studies in regional centers, considering  its remarkable contribution to the production of science and thus  suger  in internationalization at home, a specificity of internationalization that would take place from within, starting from local to external arrangements, at national and international levels.

          In The Professional Masters Course in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT) and the meaning of this offer of postgraduate in Brazil,  Sandra Terezinha Urbanetz, Elisete Lopes Cassiano and Vanessa Bettoni analyze the contribution of the Professional Master in Professional Education in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT) to the Brazilian graduate program based on a rich documentary and empirical inventory.

          The work of Rafael da Cunha Lara entitled Teaching in Post-Graduate Studies under the Sign of Jano: culture, knowledge and tiredness, analyzes aspects of educating in post-graduate studies in Brazil, in contemporary times,  related to culture, knowledge and labor processes. Based on the analysis of the results of two qualitative studies, undertaken in the form of a multiple casestudy, involving university professors from all over the country, the author reveals the way in which it constitutes the professor’s labor in post-graduate courses showing new elements of culture work in a context of acceleration of personal and professional rhythms of life, production of knowledge and immersion in elements of digital culture.

          In the article The Meanings of the Professor of Higher Education on the studies of post-graduate students in Educational Area,  Francisco Antonio Machado Araujo and Maria Vilani Cosme de Carvalho take as their basis  for the theoretical contributions of Historical-Cultural Psychology to analyze the apprehension of the contents, and the development of the study by the students, at the level of the Post-Graduate Program in Education mediated by the type of conception the professor brought to the classroom about his experience in the academic-scientific course.

In the article The Debates About Teacher Education in CAPES and ANPEd (2016-2019),  Adilson de Souza Borges  proceeds to the survey of scientific productions in two websites, Capes and ANPEd, in period during 2016 and 2019, in order to highlight the  differences produced about teacher education in the field of educational policies.

Finally, the last article of the dossier is authored by Elza Margarida de Mendonça Peixoto:  The Problem of Pre-Professional Education of Subjective Conditions of Teachers on Professional Practice - Contributions by José Barata-Moura. In it, the author explores the radical issue underlying the practice of teaching and the teaching stage as moments of pre-professional training of the subjective conditions of teachers for professional practice. Based on dialectical historical materialism, he argues that teaching practice and internship refer to the problem of formation with truth, that is, of a formation that allows an awareness/subjectivity that adequately reflects what is reality.


Then, the interview with Afrânio Mendes Catani, livre docente at the  University of São Paulo (USP) and visiting professor of the Graduate Program in Education of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), has as title Metamorfoses of Brazilian Higher Education: from  "elite formation" to "rampant pragmatism". In it, the interviewers Marcos Marques de Oliveira and  Nevaldo Leocádia Bastos Júnior,in addition to paying tribute tothe late Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar, capture  the metamorphoses that occurred in the Brazilian higher education system, which according to Afrânio Mendes Catani  has four fundamental institutional milestones. They are: the creation of USP in the 1930s, aimed at the formation of São Paulo's elites; the university reform carried out by the Military Dictatorship in the late 1960s, which marked a first movement for the expansion of so-called Brazilian federal universities, with the aim of adopting the departmental model of the North American university; the enactment of the National Education Guidelines and Bases Act (LBDEN) of 1996, during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, which aimed to update our higher education system to the privatist prerogatives of a project of integration of the country to transnational globalization; and, the educational policies of the governments of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, which aimed to configure a new movement to expand enrollment in Brazilian higher education , sought to combine initiatives that met both the interests of the private education sectors and the prerogatives of civil society movements that act in defense of Public Education.


The Document section contains the Advisory Team Report to Higher Education Planning – (EAPES REPORT) - MEC-USAID Agreement that, guided the work of the University Reform Group, created by Decree nº 62,937, of July 2, 1968. We regard the analyzing this Report will contribute to the deepening of studies on the theme of Higher Education.

In addition to the Report, the section incorporates four tributes to our dear Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar who, among other public positions, was Director of the Faculty of Education  and  Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the Fluminense Federal University. The first and second, entitled  My  Master and I  and  By the Supervisor Hands, are two accounts of simple experiences, produced, respectively, by Marcelo Mocarzel and Karine Morgan, who express the love and intense exchange of knowledge and learning that marked the relationship between supervisor and postgraduate students in a short period of academic life of many and many postgraduate students not only in Brazil, but perhaps worldwide. Yes, a short period of time organized according to the curricular structure of the master's and doctorate courses, which, however, are eternalized in the singular lives of Marcelo Mocarzel and Karine Morgan. May such a relationship serve as an example. 

The third tribute, entitled Friend, Organic Intellectual and Defender of Public Education – tribute to Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar, was caught into "Legal Opinion for access purposes of associate class IV to class E (Full Professor) of the Career of the Higher Magisterium"  prepared by Professor Luiz Fernandes Dourado, a board member examining the academic performance of Jorge Najjar that elevates him to the category of Full Professor of the Fluminense Federal University, in July 2020.

The fourth tribute concerns Decree nº 13,775 of October 8, 2020, which creates the Jorge Nassim Vieira Najjar Municipal Unit for Early Childhood Education, under the secretariat of Professor Flavia Monteiro de Barros Araujo.


We close the Dossier with the Review, written by Renata Azevedo Campos, about the book Postgraduate policies and evaluation of the strict sense program: from local social insertion to internationalization, a collection organized by Valdina Alves Ferreira. The book is a result of research and analysis on educational policies around strict sense postgraduate studies. 


We hope that the reading of the dossier will be so many other analyses that will contribute to combat academicism as to construct a praxis that transforms the reality, particularly the university and the public school.

Good reading!


Zuleide Simas da Silveira (org.)

Fluminense Federal University (UFF)

Niterói, RJ, Brazil