It is with great satisfaction that we present to readers the fifteenth edition of Movimento – Revista de Educação of the Graduate Program in Education and the Faculty of Education of the Fluminense Federal University. This issue includes the dossier entitled The Epidemic of Diagnoses and the Medicalization of Education: challenges to teacher education and performance, in addition to eight manuscripts submitted in continuous flow.

This dossier aims to analyze the epidemic of mental illnesses engendered by the trivialization of the use of medicines. This trivialization has been manifested in diagnoses, medical reports, and prescription of medications for children and adolescents, which implies the deformation of subjectivities and leads to deterioration of the subject's life, either within the family or in the school space. In addition to this aspect, the trivialization of the use of medicines, according to Professor Fernanda Insfran and Professor Jacqueline de Souza Gomes - organizers of the dossier - have justified the absence of pedagogical practices aimed at concrete subjects, often stigmatized in the school space by the use of medicines.

In this sense, the manuscript of Maria Angélica Augusto de Mello Pisetta, entitled Medicalization and university discourse: for a policy of care and listening to the subject in education, which precedes this Presentation, problematizes the imperatives of medical discourse in education – from school to university – as a device of control and exclusion of the subject – which are manifested in the demands of medicalization of so-called mental and learning disorders, as well as the economic and political conditions that determine this phenomenon.

The first article of the dossier, entitled The medicalization of education from an intersectional perspective: challenges to teacher education, by Lygia de Souza Viégas and Tito Loiola Carvalhal, refers to the density of critical analysis of medicalization of/in education to the extent that the researcher adopts the intersectional perspective, in order to evidence the interrelations between the processes of medicalization of education and the social markers of oppression and exploitation, especially race, class, gender and sexuality. Considering that, in education, there are discourses and projects in dispute, it presents alternatives against hegemonic in teacher education, initial and continued.

In the article Illness and medicalization of university professors due to precariousness and labor intensification, Marilda Gonçalves Dias Facci and Marina Beatriz Shima Baris, based on Historical-Cultural Psychology, discuss the use of medicines by professors, presenting data from a research conducted with professors from two public universities in Paraná. They emphasize that the use of medicines by teachers needs to be understood considering the totality that involves the development of teaching practice, whose subjectivity is tied to historical-social conditions that produce teacher illness.

In Phonic Method and Medicalization: for a heterogeneity of deaf students and education, Aline Lima da Silveira Lage, Desirée De Vit Begrow and Elaine Cristina de Oliveira analyze the medicalizing character of the literacy proposal for deaf people, based on phonic perspectives, present in the National Literacy Policy (PNA), instituted in April 2019, through Decree No. 9,765. The authors reveal a certain veiled recommendation of a method to teach children to read and write, including deaf ones, whose methodological approach is based on the superiority of phonic instruction and phonological awareness. They highlight that an inclusive proposal policy should recognize the different ways of being and learning of deaf children, their linguistic possibilities, and their cultural diversity.

The work, by Thais Klein and Rossano Cabral Lima, entitled Beyond neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental for childhood and education analyzes the neurodevelopmental perspective articulated to the rise of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, seeking to trace correlations with the phenomena of neuroculture, neuroides and neurodiversity, in order to reveal the ideas of normality and pathology implicit in this logic. It points to some consequences of this paradigm, in the context of childhood and education, which, by closing in its bulge social ideals related to the notions of competence and agency, has reconfigured the perception of contemporary childhood, associating it with values such as autonomy and adaptability, making tenuous the distinction between children and adults.

In the article School failure and medicalization in education: individual blaming and the promotion of pathologizing culture, Fernanda Isfran, Thalles Azevedo Ladeira and Samela Estéfany Francisco Faria critically analyze the phenomenon of school failure and its relationship with medicalization, giving voice to students who experience school failure, repetition and medicalization, in order to capture the conception, they offer about the school situation itself.

The last article of the dossier is authored by Fabio Alves Gomes de Oliveira and Thiago da Silva Gabry, entitled Education, ethics, and aging: the intergenerational aspect as an exclusion factor in Brazil. In it, the authors highlight the importance of defending and implementing educational spaces, in all phases and spaces of formal and non-formal education, that respect the pluridiversity of subjects who are in the category of the old person, offering them possibilities of welcoming and caring in a dignified and respectful manner.

Then the interview with Annemarie Jutel, associate professor at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, chair of the Guidance Group on health and wellness issues at the University of Victoria, specialist in critical diagnosis.

The Document section contains the Demedicalizing and intersectional manifesto: "To exist, to what is it intended for?" produced from the debates that marked the V International Seminar on Medicalized Education: "Exist, what is it intended?", held at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), city of Salvador, Bahia, between August 8 and 11.

We closed the Dossier with two reviews. The first of these, written by Gleiciene Gomes de Araújo, this is the book Returning to normal: how the excess of diagnoses and the medicalization of life are ending our sanity and what can be done to regain control, produced by Allen Frances, psychiatrist who, having been leader of the team responsible for the preparation of the fourth edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), proceeds a strong criticism of the fifth edition of the DSM, the misuse of this manual and, above all, our medicalized society. The second, produced by Dyego Oliveira da Silva, discusses the book Deadly medicines and organized crime: how the pharmaceutical industry corrupted medical care, authored by Peter GØTZSCHE, physician, researcher, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration and former leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center in Rigshospitalet, known for criticizing the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and medical care.

Then the continuum section brings together four articles, an interview, and three reviews.

Authored by Ashraf Alam, the article Conceptualization of cultural intelligence, intercultural sensitivity, intercultural competence, and nomological network: a contact hypothesis study of sociology of education, based on the process of internationalization of Indian universities, analyzes how student mobility, at undergraduate and graduate levels, contributes to the production of knowledge around not only specific topics of studies, but also cultural relations, exchanges of experience, preservation of memory and identity, as well as the construction of strategies to cope with survival.

In article entitled Internet, pandemic, and teacher training in physical

education. Experiences of constitution of active subjectivities, Mariel Alejandra Ruiz, Maria Paula Pisano Casala and Teresita Garcia de Ríos analyze the experiences of students and the production of body knowledge in the initial training of physical education teachers of the National University of Lujan, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the context of the current social isolation, preventive and mandatory, based on the collection of data in posts of students, teachers and others involved in the educational process, in the social network Facebook,in order to understandhow and how its use contributes to the conformation of teaching subjectivities.

On the other hand, neoliberal opportunism of 2020 pandemic: the new morphology of education and the overexploitation of teacher’s labor, Paula Junqueira da Silva and Antonio Bosco de Lima critically analyze the precariousness of public health policies and the trivialization of distance education during the pandemic, pointing to a certain governmental opportunism that, by intensifying teaching work through digital platforms, configures a new organization in the provision of Brazilian education.

The article External assessment and teacher autonomy: the SMAEF as a means of reproduction of culture by results, by Niagara Vieira Soares Cunha, reveals the results of the research undertaken with 57 teachers of the Municipal Department of Education of Russas, in Ceará, on the implications of the Municipal System of Evaluation of Elementary School (SMAEF) in the autonomy and teaching profession.

In the interview with Filimer Ferro, national professor of Physical Education at the National Institute of Physical Education (INEF), bachelor of education sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and Senior Specialist in Socioinstitutional Analysis and Animation at the National University of Salta, it is possible to learn, through a trajectory of thirty-seven years of experience in teaching, twenty-five years in Higher Education, the form of organization and functioning of physical education teaching in schools of all levels of the Argentine educational system.

Following, the review produced by Etelvino Manuel Raul Guila, Milena Batista Bráz and Eliane Debus deals with the book O pátio das sombras, authored by Mia Couto, mozambican writer, poet and journalist, member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and winner of several national and international awards such as the Latin Union prize for Romanesque Literatures (2007), the Camões Prize 2013.

The review prepared by Antonio Michel de Jesus Miranda discusses the book State and collective will in Gramsci, organized by Ana Lole, Giovanni Semeraro and Percival Tavares da Silva, members of the Center for Studies and Research in Philosophy, Politics and Education (NuFIPE/UFF) and the International Gramsci Society of Brazil (IGS). The texts organized in the collection were produced in allusion to the 80th anniversary of Gramsci's death and 100 years of the October Revolution, in 2017, in thematic dossiers.

Finally, the review written by Francilane Lima de Sousa and José Ribamar Lopes contributes to the book Discourse Analysis: Principles and Procedures, by Eni de Lourdes Puccinelli Orlandi, linguist, pioneer of Discursso Analysis in Brazil in the 1970s and winner of the Jabuti Prize in Humanities (1993).

Good reading!

Zuleide S. Silveira

p/ Editorial Team

(Nov.2017- Dec.2020)