
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided and are activated.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. ($$$call$$$/api/file/file-api/download-library-file?libraryFileId=349)
  • Citations and references are strictly in accordance with the style and standards expressed in the 7th Edition of the APA Manual - American Psychological Association. For Citations, see . For References, see .
  • IMPORTANT: Failing to meet one or more of the above conditions will result in the submission rejection.

Author Guidelines

AUTHOR GUIDELINES   ( Author Guidelines in pdf )

 The works submitted for publication in arte :lugar :cidade are evaluated by a body of independent reviewers, external to the Editorial Board, using the double-blind review system, which means that the identities of the authors and reviewers are preserved throughout the review process, except when there are express manifestations from the authors and reviewers for an open evaluation.

Preliminarily, each work submitted to arte :lugar :cidade is evaluated by the Editorial Board for its adherence to the academic scope of the journal, as well as its compliance with scientific standards. If approved in the first stage, the work is sent to at least two (2) reviewers external to the Editorial Board, who issue recommendations for acceptance, rejection or suggested changes to the work. If there are significant disagreements between the reviewers' recommendations, a third reviewer will be asked to collaborate in order to support the final editorial decision.

The Editors assume that the submission of the work for publication in arte :lugar :cidade indicates its originality, i.e. that it has not been published or submitted for publication in any other journal. The editors point out the need for authors to indicate their Orcid ( in the submission process.

Evaluation of submitted work
The following aspects will be taken into account when evaluating the work:
(1) suitability for the scope of the journal
(2) originality of the reflection proposed by the work
(3) relevance of the issues addressed to the field of study
(4) up-to-date and relevant bibliographic resources
(5) objectivity and clarity of expression and use of appropriate academic language
IMPORTANT: arte :lugar :cidade does not charge any submission, publication or other fees in its processes.

Declaration of multiple authorship (for works with more than one author)
In the case of work with more than one author submitted to arte :lugar :cidade, a brief statement must be included at the end stating that shared authorship is based on the fact that:
(1) all authors actively participated in the preparation of the work, including discussions around the scope, concepts, eventual results and the elaboration of the work; and (2) all authors reviewed and approved the final version of the work.
Note: The declaration in question will not appear in the final version of the work, in the case of publication in arte :lugar :cidade.

Acknowledgement of research funding
arte :lugar :cidade strongly encourages authors to mention and acknowledge the funding agencies that have supported their research, even through partial funding. To this end, it asks that a mention be made at the end of the body of the paper (before the Notes and References) or, alternatively, as the first endnote.


(1) Articles - presentation of unpublished work with the results of research carried out in the areas of interest to arte :lugar :cidade
(2) Visual essays - artistic works developed specifically for the journal
(3) Interviews - with artists, theorists, critics, historians and researchers working in the journal's field of interest
(4) Reviews - of bibliographical or artistic production (project, action, performances, etc.), converging with the scope and interests of arte :lugar :cidade.

Papers must be unpublished and written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. It is suggested that the article be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length (including abstract, keywords, subtitles, notes and references). They should be submitted in Word 97-2003 or higher (Times New Roman font, 12-point font, 1.5 spacing).

Cover Sheet
All articles submitted must include a cover sheet with information on each of the authors, including: name, title, institutional affiliation and academic status (if applicable), institutional address, institutional telephone number, ORCID and e-mail address.

The title must contain a maximum of 15 (fifteen) words and must be written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish (in order), for papers written in English.

Before the beginning of the text, authors must include an Abstract of 800 to 1000 characters (spaces included), written in a clearly and precise manner, briefly indicating the field of study and the problem faced, mentioning the methodologies adopted, consistent with the issues addressed in the development of the article. It should be presented in the form of a single paragraph and written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish (in order), for papers written in English.

Just below every version of the Abstract, keywords should be included, in a number that can vary between 3 and 5 (from three to five), in English, Portuguese, and Spanish (in order), for papers written in English.

Images (a maximum of 5), with their respective captions (see example below), must appear in the body of the text. In addition, the images must be sent separately as complementary files in jpg or png format with a resolution of 150 dpi. 

Example of a caption:
Fig. 1 - Mel Chin (with Rufus Chaney), Revival Field, 1991, harvest
Pig's Eye Landfill, St. Paul, Minnesota
Photo: courtesy Walker Art Center
Source: Finkelpearl, T. (2001). Interview: Dr. Rufus L. Chaney on Revival Field. In T. Finkelpearl (Ed.), Dialogues in Public Art (pp. 408-417). The MIT Press.

Words in a foreign language 
All articles submitted to arte :lugar :cidade must be written in English, Portuguese, orSpanish. When using words in a language other than the original language of the manuscript, they must be italicized.

Spelling rules
The Editors assume that all articles submitted to arte :lugar :cidade have been checked for spelling rules in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, under the responsibility of their respective authors.

With regard to citations, articles submitted to arte :lugar :cidade should use the style and standards expressed in the 7th edition of the APA - American Psychological Association manual (
For long quotations (more than three lines), use the same formatting as the body of the text (font and spacing), including only a different indentation from the rest of the text. In this case, use a 4 cm indentation from the left edge of the page.

Ibid., op. cit., loc. cit. etc.
The arte :lugar :cidade does not use ibid., op. cit., loc. cit. and so on.

Endnotes should be used for substantive remarks, but not for the purpose of referencing cited sources. Endnotes should appear separate from the body text of the article, preceding the References.
Note: arte :lugar :cidade does not use footnotes. Authors are therefore requested to use endnotes only.

At the end of the text, immediately after the notes (if there are any), a section entitled References should be included, with a complete list of the references cited in the text, following the style and standards of the 7th edition of the APA - American Psychological Association manual (

The Visual Essay must be formatted according to the dimensions of the arte :lugar :cidade, i.e. 25 (height) x 20 (width) cm. It must be submitted in pdf format.
The total number of pages of the Visual Essay must be an even number, ranging from 8 to 12 pages.
When submitting, in addition to the Visual Essay itself, the author must provide the following information: (a) title in English, Portuguese, and Spanish; (b) biographical data of no more than 10 lines; (c) description or commentary on the Visual Essay (if applicable); (d) captions or general information on the images that make up the Visual Essay (if applicable).


In addition to the content of the Interviews and Reviews, the author must provide in the submission process: (a) Title, summary and keywords in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.; (b) Detailed information about the Interview (place and date of the interview, information about the participants, etc.) or about the Review (title of the work, place and date of the work/publication, authors/participants, if applicable, as well as other relevant information about the subject of the Review).

If you have any questions or require further information, please write to

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.