Wandering cinematics of Boca do Lixo


  • Marcos Bonisson Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil




Rogério Sganzerla, cinematic poetics, Boca do Lixo, wanderings


The aim of this text is a reflection based on a geopoetic narrative about the wanderings and the cinematic poetic of artist Rogério Sganzerla in Boca do Lixo and around the world. Boca do Lixo was located in the Santa Efigênia neighborhood in the center of São Paulo, today also known as Cracolândia, was an active hub of intense independent film production in the sixties and seventies. Sganzerla was an active film critic of that period, writing remarkable articles for important publications and he filmed several scenes in this São Paulo toponym of The Red Light Bandit (1968), one of the most important films in the history of Brazilian cinema. Based on a great friendship and a creative collaboration over the last fifteen years of life with the filmmaker (1946-2004), this text was part of my PhD research at PPGCA-UFF, entitled Rogério Sganzerla: cinematic poetics of invention.

Author Biography

Marcos Bonisson, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Marcos Bonisson was born in Rio de Janeiro. He is an artist, professor of visual arts at EAV-Parque Lage and holds a PhD in Contemporary Arts Studies from PPGCA-UFF (2020-2024). He has participated in six editions of international biennials: 27th São Paulo International Biennial, 2006; BIENALSUR, Second Edition (2019) and Third Edition (2021); Cerveira International Art Biennial, Portugal, XIX Edition (2017) and XXI Edition (2020). His experimental short films have been shown at over one hundred and twenty international art festivals and exhibitions in fifty countries. He has published five books of images: Arpoador (Editora Nau, 2011), Pulsar (Editora Binóculo, MAM, 2013), ZIGZAG (Editora Bazar do Tempo, 2017), Marcos Bonisson (Editora Carcara Photo Art, 2021) and Espectra (Piscina Pública Edições, 2023). His most recent solo exhibitions were at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP-Paris) in 2015, and at the Galeria do Parque Lage in 2018, as an honored artist.

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9312-3429 | marcosbonisson@gmail.com


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How to Cite

BONISSON, M. Wandering cinematics of Boca do Lixo. arte :lugar :cidade, v. 1, n. 2, p. 245-261, 1 Nov. 2024.