O futebol jogado pela extrema direita francesa

uma abordagem do projeto de desdemonização do partido Front National a partir do futebol


  • Makchwell Narcizo UESPI




In recent years, the extreme-right-wing party Front National has become one of the main forces in the French political landscape. With the replacement of Jean-Marie Le Pen, by his daughter, Marine Le Pen, there has been a softening of the discourse and presentation style, aiming to distance itself from extreme right-wing characterizations. This is internally and externally referred to as the “desmonization” of the FN. Recently, an interesting development has occurred: the Le Pen family, who owns the party, has become involved in controversies related to football, a novelty in their history. This present essay seeks to understand the “desmonization” process through the Le Pen family's use of football and its implications for the FN.



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