Análise da tendência de falhas dos principais equipamentos de uma usina fotovoltaica a partir do histórico de operação
maintenance, photovoltaic power plant, failure data, failure mode, time between failuresAbstract
Electricity generation system like photovoltaic plants are subject to their equipment failures, which may result in a reduction in their generation capacity or even the complete interruption of the plant. These plants has a large number of equipments, such as hundreds of thousands of photovoltaic modules, hundreds of inverters and kilometers of conductors. Like this, the study of the failure trend in their equipments proves to be of very importance for maintaining the plant's performance at your lifetime. This paper analyzes the history of failures observed in a large photovoltaic plant in operation, applying classic indicators of industrial maintenance, Mean Time Between Failures and Failure Rates, to evaluate and propose more appropriate preventive and preditive maintenance strategies. The Power BI tool is used to process failure records, calculate indicators and produce analytical reports to support decision making. The results obtained indicate that the combination of historical failures data´s with maintenance indicators allows the development of strategies to anticipate potential failures, schedule preventive interventions and minimize unscheduled interruptions.
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