Procedimento de projeto à fadiga de tubulações instaladas no topside de FPSOs
fatigue, piping, FPSOAbstract
This work aims to study the fatigue life of pipes installed on FPSOs, using the new method developed by the authors. The focus of the work is on the damage caused by the displacements and accelerations imposed on the piping system due to the action of ocean waves. The standards and procedures currently used for this type of project are presented, as well as a review of the basic concepts involved in the topic. The method is described in detail, and the results of a case study of a real pipeline are presented and compared with the results obtained by existing methods.
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Leonardo Machado Matos. Projeto à Fadiga de Tubulações Instaladas em Unidades de Produção de Óleo e Gás do tipo FPSO. Dissertação (Mestrado em Mestrado Profissional em Montagem Industrial) - Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2020
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Patente: Programa de Computador. Número do registro no INPI: BR512022002670-8, 2022