Proposta de intensificação do processo de separação de acetona e n-heptano via recompressão de vapor
vapour recompression, extractive distillation, energy savingAbstract
Acetone and n-heptane are commonly found in effluents from chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Due to their tendency to form azeotropic mixtures, their separation requires specific processes, such as extractive distillation. In response to the environmental impacts associated with its activities, the chemical industry has been undergoing technological transformations aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of its processes. Vapor recompression has been highlighted as an intensification strategy with significant potential for this purpose. In the present work, three configurations based on vapor recompression were proposed for the separation process of the acetone and n-heptane mixture. The conventional process and the intensified configurations were designed using computer simulations in UniSim Design R490 software. To obtain more realistic results, the respective utility plant, including systems for cooling water, R-152a refrigeration, and steam generation, was also considered for each process. The proposed configurations PI2 and PI3 stood out by providing reductions of 39.51% and 34.43%, respectively, in total energy consumption.
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