About Dynamic Fusion


  • Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu
  • Raffaella Aversa
  • Antonio Apicella
  • Florian Ion Petrescu Bucharest Polytechnic University




In nuclear fusion process two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse", to form a single heavier nucleus. During this process, matter is not conserved because some of the mass of the fusing nuclei is converted to energy which is released. The binding energy of the resulting nucleus is greater than the binding energy of each of the nuclei that fused to produce it. This produces an enormous amount of energy. Hot fusion is currently a difficult goal to accomplish due to the high temperatures required, which are difficult to achieve and also to be maintained. For these reason, it is much easier to try to achieve cold fusion, or a combined method. In this paper, the author will briefly present some original relationships for setting up a theoretical model for cold fusion. It will be determined the radius of a moving elementary particle and will be calculated the potential energy of the two adjacent particles. In addition, the necessary speed of the accelerated particles when they will collide to start cold fusion will be determined. The radius of an electron or a nucleus at rest is close to nano sizes. Because of this (static) the fusion working with nanoparticles. It was evaluated that dynamic nanoparticles dimensions are much smaller than when they are at rest.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Florian Ion Petrescu, Bucharest Polytechnic University

Nihil sine Deo

Ph.D. Eng. Florian Ion PETRESCU
Senior Lecturer at UPB (Bucharest Polytechnic University).

Citizenship: Romanian;
Date of birth: March.28.1958;
Higher education: Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Transport, Road Vehicles Department, graduated in 1982, with overall average 9.63;

Doctoral Thesis: „Theoretical and Applied Contributions About the Dynamic of Planar Mechanisms with Superior Joints”.

Expert in Industrial Design, Engineering Mechanical Design, Engines Design, Mechanical Transmissions, Dynamics, Vibrations, Mechanisms Machines Robots and Mechatronics.


Languages known:
-French; -English.

Related activities and functions:

Instructor and Social Commission Head of CUB (Bucharest’s University Center) 1985-1987, the Third Head of CUB after [Moncea] and Bostan, 1985-1987.





