Remo, modernidade e Pereira Passos

primórdios das políticas públicas de esporte no Brasil


  • Victor Andrade de Melo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


This study has for purpose to discuss the development of rowing in the context of social-cultural changes in Rio de Janeiro in the final of 19th century and the first years of 20th century. Specifically I intend to argue the relationship between government and rowing, more directly with the Rio de Janeiro mayor, Francisco Pereira Passos, trying to understand better meanings of this relationship. Its intention is to argue, from a specific case of the past, the first moments of a Brazilian sporting public politics, of a contact more structuralized between sport and government.
Keywords sport history; rowing


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Author Biography

Victor Andrade de Melo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professor do Programa de Mestrado em História Comparada do IFCS/UFRJ e da Escola de Educação Física
da UFRJ.




