Entre “machos” y “putos”: estilos masculinos y prácticas violentas de una hinchada de fútbol.


  • José Garriga Zucal


Soccer, and in particular the violence in it, are subjects relegated of the academic debate, although lately this situation has began to revert in a certain sense. Until now the violence in soccer has been explained as an irrational action characteristic of the initialization condition of the lowest social sectors. And it is for this reason that the violent ones are commonly characterized as irrational, uncivilized, wild, barbarians, unadjusted and with other slanderous qualifiers. Those explanations that conceive the violence as an irrational action characteristic of a barbarian condition, evade the social representation of these actions and their relationships with other social phenomena. The participant observation with the fans of a club of the ascent divisions of the Argentinian soccer exposed the relationship between the violent acts and the forms of identification of the male gender.


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