La piramide de alto rendimiento y el deporte comunitario como pilares del desarrollo deportivo en Cuba


  • Eloy Labrada Santos


This article approaches the topic related with the high efficiency sport pyramyd and mass participation sport as bases of cuban sport development. The different levels of the high sport efficiency pyramyd are characterized from the school of the community up to the high sport efficiency athletes, members of national teams that represent Cuba in sport events in the country and abroad. An evaluation of the progress of the mass participation sport it is carried out, paying attention to the diverse alternatives existing in the country for the development of this way of sport practice and of the mass character it has reached . Las Espartaquiadas del Níquel is an example and a model of mass participation sport. This sport event takes place in mining municipality of Moa, Holguín province, in the eastern part of the country.
Keywords: High efficiency sport pyramyd; mass participation; mass participation sport; sport for the community



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