A Camisa 10 do futebol como um símbolo na manutenção da identidade nacional

o discurso da mídia


  • Bruno Otávio de Lacerda Abrahão


Soccer’s 10 shirt as a symbol for maintaining national identity - the media approach The objective of this article is to analyze the meanings that the media attributers to the Brazilian’s soccer 10 shirt. For that the stories on printed newspaper, a story on the program Esporte Espetacular of Globo TV channel were verified. Also semi-structured interviews with 3 sporting journalists of the Rádio Itatiaia of Belo Horizonte and their answers were analyzed according to Bardin (1994). The model used was the codificationdecodification proposed by Hall (2003, p. 387). It could be observed that the media, as one of the guardians for the dissemination of the collective memory, uses 10 shirt and advertises it as a materialization of Brazilian soccer’s identity images.
Keywords Soccer; shirt 10; identity; memory and media


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