A Reinvenção dos Jogos Olímpicos

um projeto de marketing


  • Marcelo Weishaupt Proni


The purpose of this article is to examine the transformation of modern Olympic Games, in the last decades, from the economic view. Basically, it’s necessary to answer three questions: 1) Did the professionalism and the merchantilisation of the sport competition adulterate the Olympism? 2) What’s the importance of sport marketing to Olympic Games metamorphosis? 3) Can the Olympic Games just become in a big business? The analysis suggests that a merchant mentality was slowly growing since 1960 and that it covered traditional principles of the Olympic Movement after 1980. And the article demonstrates that a project of marketing was developed in the “globalization era”. This project determined the new rules of organization and financing to the event, it preserved the image of the Olympism in the world public opinion, and it “reinvented” the Olympic Games.
Keywords: sport; olympism; olympic marketing


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