"Joga Bonito"
um estudo de caso aproximando a Educação Física e a indústria cultural
It is more and more observable the importance that the television has assumed in our society, in its diverse segments. We broach the subject from the School of Frankfurt point of view, which means to consider the television as a fundamental part of the communication system, seeing that it — the system — is answerable for the Cultural Industry functioning, and for an out of schools cultural formation. We have as objective to report contemporaneously the concepts concerning the Cultural Industry and the dialog that the education and, specifically in this case the Physical Education, must keep with the reality. Therefore, we analyzed, with the Critical Theory guidance, the reality show "Joga Bonito", transmitted by the broadcasting station Bandeirantes. The analyzed program influences the participants in such a way as the viewers in the direction of the current society maintenance, valuing elements that characterize the semiculture. Therewith, the teacher assumes a central role in the critical analysis of such Cultural Industry product.
Keywords: Critical Theory; emi-formation; cultural industry