Conflitos no ordenamento territorial em grandes eventos esportivos


  • Sávio Raeder


The proposal of this article is to debate conflicts around the territorial order in bids of Olympic and Pan-Americans Games. It is treated to approach the mega events sports not as the “show window” of beautification of cities as usually it is recognized, but yes to present some of the “glasswares” displayed by the way as such events they are implemented. In this way, the fights for the order of the territory will be analyzed in this work primordially from the performance of the social movements in these events, a time that the actions undertaken for these actors are sufficiently revealing of the contradictions that if it intends to detach. In order to contribute for the agreement of the fights promoted for the civil society, quarrels are carried through on the basis of the thought of Gramsci and David Harvey. The Pan-Americans Games Rio 2007 are taken as main empirical object for the reflection proposal, being distinguished here it politics of adopted public security in the City during the event.


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