Apuntes para una historia del fútbol argentino en clave "violencia"


  • Juan Manuel Sodo Universidad Nacional de Rosario


It is the year of the bicentenary in Argentina and retrospectives are at the order of the day. This revisionist zeal does not leave outside people carrying out researches about Argentinian soccer supporters, or, in other words, about how determined practices and language related to certain groups of Argentinian soccer supporters impact on the arousal of violent situations in soccer fields of the country. Joining the retrospective impulse, in this article we pose the following questions: What the first decades of the 20th century -time when the Argentinian soccer started to have an increasing popularity- can tell us about the supporters? And about their practices, in relation to our target of research? What can we read there? In connexion with these questions, and comparing the process of diffusion of the English sport in cities like Buenos Aires and Rosario, in this work we propose a reading of the first years of Argentinian soccer history in key of "violence".


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Sodo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Licenciado en Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Doctorando en Comunicación
Social, UNRBecario de CONICET




