Os limites da busca pela excitação: uma análise do boxe sem luvas


  • Luiz Felipe Machado Pinto Universidade Federal Fluminense


The act of fighting was present in different historical moments. Elias and Dunning verified through the study of Western societies, which they manifested over time, a need to vent tensions, with sport being a civilized and symbolically safe alternative for this. One of the processes that accompanies sportivization is the reduction of violence, among its symbolisms, with the introduction of protective equipment. From 2018 on, bare-knuckle boxing gains notoriety, through the BKFC event, a modality that seems to go in the opposite direction to the construction of civility proposed by Elias. The objectives of the present study are to analyze one of these combats and from it, reflect on the possible social constructions about civility and violence. In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, one of the fights promoted by the BKFC event was analyzed through the film analysis technique. The media in contemporary times, for consumption purposes, dictate what is or is not civilized, impacting not only on the view of spectators and practitioners about what martial arts and combat sports would be, but on their constructions about violence.

Keywords: Violence; Boxing; Boxing without gloves; Civility.


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