Cinema, Golf and Romanticism


  • Luciana Martins Nogueira Peil
  • Hugo Rodolfo Lovisolo


Our image of golf is one of a profoundly classist sport. We imagine it to have been
highly aristocratic in its origins, and to have become increasingly more bourgeois through
its economic, social and cultural ascension. It is a particularly expensive sport, especially in
countries in which there are no public or open golf courses. Golf clubs are characterized as
occupying significant amounts of land in terms of breadth and location, having
sophisticated club houses and a considerably costly support and maintenance structure. The
course itself is the result of original designs that imply remodeling the previously existing
environment, whether forest, desert or land in harsh zones. High costs mean that entry into
country clubs to play golf must require having monetary resources, in addition to the
candidates’ connections.
Country clubs are







