La violence des entraîneurs

une étude comparative entre 5 disciplines sportives (basket-ball, tennis de table, karaté, natation et tir)


  • Sébastien Guilbert


The object of this study is characterizing violence of the coaches on the field of sports. A sample from five sporting practices (basketball, table tennis, karate, swimming, shooting) was selected of this comparative study, in which 75 coaches were surveyed. They answered a questionnaire and several were interviewed. The results show that 1) violence of the coaches is not characterized in the same way; it widely differ depending on the sporting areas, 2) the « unevenness » in terms of violence of the coaches correlate to the « unevenness » in terms of pratices, 3) two groups of practices with differentiated points of view about the violence of the coaches have been identified thus proving that the violence is a distinct and « distinctive » property in the field of sport.
Keywords: sport; violence; coaches







