Se faire violence

la socialisation et les conditions de formation au métier de footballeur


  • Julien Bertrand


The article bases on a socio-ethnographical investigation associating interviews and observations realized inside a training center in one of the most important French football clubs. It allows an analysis of the socialization of apprentices football players who, from 12 to 19, are inserted into a particularly captivating structure. This one takes care of a big part of their existence in a direct or indirect way (of which sports and school apprenticeships, the management of bodies and the accommodation for a part of them). The study allows to show that if the apprentices mobilize the terms of "pleasure" and "passion" to evoke their commitment, their socialization is also structured by the inculcation of ascetic dispositions in physical and psychological resistance and that it so makes of the acceptance of the "violence on one" a condition of the access for the profession.







