A walk through the Goethe's method: first steps for landscape analysis
fenômeno., fenomenologia, geomorfologia, GeografiaAbstract
In science, many paths can be taken to understand a phenomenon. Some of them encourage the walker’s relationship with his path, promoting a keen and even contemplative look at the phenomenon
in question; other paths deter us and distance us from this phenomenon. Seeking to walk with his eyes open and his senses refined so that the phenomena of nature could reveal themselves, Goethe marked out his scientific path constituting his own method of doing science. The Goethian method shows the relationship
between subject and object, considering the experiment as the mediator between both. Therefore, this article seeks to go
through some of the main ideas that serve as the basis of Goethe’s method and share with the readers the first steps taken for the analysis of two landscapes, one in Valinhos-SP/Brazil, and the other in Peterborough-NH/USA, emphasizing the geological and geographic phenomena.
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