Relationship between bodies and microterritorialities

beyond identity and culture restrictions and the defense of the production of multiples singularities


  • Benhur Pinós da Costa Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Microterritorialities, Ipanema beach, Singularities, Identity, Gay men


We present the concept of microterritoriality based on the research established in the same sex oriented men meeting spaces in the locations between the posts 8 and 9 of Ipanema Beach and The Girl from Ipanema Park, both places in the south of the city of the Rio de Janeiro, between Copacabana e Ipanema. We deepened the understanding of this concept linking it to the idea of singularity productions, as opposed to the notion of identity, in the proposal of Deleuze and Guattari. Urban microterritorialities refer to spatial possibilities of meeting different people that affect each other and become multiple becomings. This implies disregarding microterritorialities as fruits of the collective and structuring conformations of culture and identity. The theoretical discussion is elucidated by the observation research in the suited field and the production of evocatives narratives that induce the transformations of the author´s knowledges and perspectives based on the affects obtained in contacts with others people in the microterritorialities in question.


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How to Cite

Costa, B. P. da. (2023). Relationship between bodies and microterritorialities: beyond identity and culture restrictions and the defense of the production of multiples singularities. Geograficidade, 13(1), 4-20. Retrieved from