Territorial performance of microcredit contractors in the periphery of Sobral-CE
Territorial performance, Microcredit, PeripheryAbstract
This paper addresses the territorial performance of microcredit institutional services on periphery of Sobral-CE (Ceará), understanding the arrangements generated by microcredit and its cultural implications among residents/microcredit institutions in peripheral neighborhoods, triggered by the adoption of the solidarity guarantee (mutual collaboration for microcredit approval) and in the formation of businesses/services and commercial activities. The discussion focuses on reflecting upon the individual performance sustained by a substrate of beliefs, thoughts and affections that occur in the implementation of an entrepreneurial culture in the poor neighborhood of the city, and which can transform certain models of solidarity between microcredit institutional services and residents, as well as lead to the breakdown of ties between microcredit
borrowers, especially when the commitments between the members of the solidarity guarantee group are not fulfilled with the banks. These situations alter the social dynamics, the territorial performance of borrowers, and the entrepreneurial practices within and between neighborhoods.
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