Geography and art
the spatial experience of being and feeling
Art, Space, ExperienceAbstract
Art has been gaining prominence as a geographical theme, far removed from positivist approaches, which surround science with certainties, objectivity and materiality in their reflections and theoretical, empirical
and methodological choices. From a humanist perspective, geography values experiences, subjectivities and memories, traversing the spatial fabric as the art of the lived. In this sense, the purpose of presenting ways of seeing, feeling and experiencing space, based on everyday elements, highlights the geography of being, providing new clues for interpreting the spatiality contained in the actions, which in this article come from the João Paulo II Mothers’ Group, located in the Cidade Nova neighborhood, Natal (RN). We used observation, conversations (with open scripts) and photographic records of the weekly meetings of the women who are members of the group to highlight the spatial poetics of everyday life revealed in the art of living and feeling.
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