Geography, literature and humanism
a historical and theoretical-methodological synthesis
Geography and Literature, Humanistic geography, HumanismAbstract
The first contacts between geography and literature go back to the beginnings of geographical thought, when there was still no rigid division of knowledge, a hallmark of modernity. During the first
half of the 20th century, the approach was little explored, but from the 1970s, literature begins to establish itself as a systematic object of research in geography, currently constituting an important field of work with relevant contributions to geographical thought. The theme has been approached by different theoretical-methodological currents, mainly by humanist geography. This article aims to
synthesize the main theoretical aspects involved in the approximation between humanist geography and literature. For this, we investigate the history of contemporary geographic thought and we focus on the concept of humanism, reflecting on how and why this concept is one of the most important theoretical foundations to support the relationship between geography and literature.
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