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  • Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing
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  • Neurociências & Sociedade
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  • arte :lugar :cidade
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  • A Barca
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  • Antropolítica - Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia
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  • Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law
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  • Contracampo
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  • Engevista
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  • Essays of Geography
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  • Teaching, Health and Environment
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  • Journal of Management Studies and Society
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  • Fractal: Journal of Psychology
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  • Geograficidade
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  • GEOgraphia
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  • Gragoatá
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  • Media and Everyday Life
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  • Passages: International Review of Political History and Legal Culture
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  • PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies
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  • Legal Cultures
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  • Political Studies Review
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  • International Journal of Science Dentistry
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  • Revista Gênero
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  • Ayvu: Revista de Psicologia
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  • Caderno Dá Licença
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  • Cadernos de Docência e Inovação no Ensino Superior
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  • Cadernos de Gestão e Empreendedorismo
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  • Caderno de Letras da UFF
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  • Ensaio Geral
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  • Ensaios
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  • Esporte e Sociedade
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  • FlorAção, Revista de Crítica Textual
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  • Movement - Education Journal
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  • Mundo Livre: Revista Multidisciplinar
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  • Orbis - Boletim do LEPEB/UFF
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  • O Cosmopolítico
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  • RevistAleph
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  • Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária
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  • Revista Cantareira
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  • Revista Animus Liber
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  • Revista Campo Minado - Estudos Acadêmicos em Segurança Pública
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  • Revista de Contabilidade e Gestão Contemporânea UFF
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  • Revista Convergência Crítica
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  • Revista Discente Planície Científica
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  • Revista Econômica
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  • Revista Enfil
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  • Revista Fluminense de Educação Física
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  • Revista Goitacá
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  • Revista Hélade
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  • Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations
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  • Revista Iberoamericana de Direito e Política
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  • Revista do LabDGE - UFF
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  • Revista Pedagogia Social UFF
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  • Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração
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  • REVISTA QUERUBIM (ISSN: 1809-3264)
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  • Revista Saberes: Ciências Biológicas, Exatas e Humanas ISSN 2763-6100
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  • Revista do Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R | ISSN: 2526-7299
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  • Sustainable Business International Journal
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  • Revista Trabalho Necessário
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  • Sede de Ler
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  • UFF & Sociedade
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  • Ziz - Political Science Student Journal
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  • C-Legenda - Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Cinema e Audiovisual
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  • Oficina LADER
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  • Anais da Semana de Economia (Campos)
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  • Anais do Uso Público em Unidades de Conservação
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  • Relatórios de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Produção
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