Perfil das reclamações registradas acerca de roedores do Distrito Federal, Brasil


  • Ligia Cantarino Universidade de Brasília
  • Paulo Vinicius Neves Fernandes1
  • Lívia Thayane da Silva Cunha
  • Debora Marcolino Silva


Synanthropic animals, including rodents, contain the public health problem in urbanized areas. A survey of rodent complaints made to the synanthropic animal sector of the Federal District Environmental Surveillance Directorate was carried out between 2014 and 2016. The occurrences reached 10,232, with 4,429 in 2014, 4,368 and 1,429 in subsequent years. The significant drop is due to the absence of a telephone in the Agency, being the most used form of communication for executing executions. When related to the population of the Administrative Regions with the number of complaints, there was a relationship, but the same did not occur with per capita income and education level. 6,902 occurrences were in homes, justified by the population yearning for free rat removal. There were 11,901 confirmed cases of leptospirosis in Brazil in the years studied. Of these, 82 occurred in the DF. Even though the values used in rodent control programs are higher when compared to expenses with zoonoses transmitted by these animals, being direct medical costs, non-medical direct costs, non-measurable indirect costs, society's well-being must be highlighted.


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Medicina Veterinária Preventiva