Validação dos intervalos de referência hematológicos e bioquímicos estabelecidos para cães domiciliados na Amazônia Oriental, Pará, Brasil



The aim of the present study was to validate reference intervals (RIs) for hematology and blood biochemistry of dogs domiciled in the Eastern Amazon and to establish new RIs for parameters not yet validated. Samples from 44 clinically healthy adult dogs of different breeds and sexes were used. The methodology proposed by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) was used for validation, and the statistical methodology proposed by the American Society for Clinical Veterinary Pathology (ASCPV) was used to determine the RIs of the non-validated parameters. The IRs were determined using the Excel program with the Reference Value Advisor add-in (version 2.1). The software performs calculations according to CLSI recommendations as suggested by the ASCVP guidelines. A total of 25 parameters (13 hematological and 12 biochemical) were submitted to the validation process. Of this total, six (24%) parameters were not validated (Hemoglobin, CHGM, eosinophils, lymphocytes, albumin and GGT) and new intervals were established for these. For most hematological and biochemical parameters (76%), the RIs previously established in the literature are still valid for use in dogs raised in the Eastern Amazon. For non-validated parameters, just for eosinophils and lymphocytes, we recommend that other studies, with a larger number of animals, be carried out to confirm our results or establish new IRs. The established IRs for hemoglobin, CHGM, albumin and GGT can be used in place of the old ranges.


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Patologia e Análises Clínica Veterinária