Comparación de los valores de glucosa en caninos obtenidos con glucómetros portátiles y la prueba estándar de laboratorio
Comparación de valores obtenidos por glucómetros y la prueba de laboratorio
The measurement of glucose in canines is a common procedure in daily clinical practice, currently this value can be obtained by means of portable devices and laboratory tests. This research was carried out in order to provide more knowledge about the importance of glucose measurement, since in recent years it has lost value among the hematological tests to be considered because it is only related to certain pathologies such as diabetes or other metabolic diseases. The present work has as objective to compare the glucose values in canines obtained by means of a portable glucometer for human use; veterinarian and the standard laboratory test, this will indicate the reliability of the results obtained by these methods. Samples were taken from 50 clinically healthy canines, from which the glycemia results were obtained by these three methods. The results of our investigation showed that the three ways of blood glucose evaluation in dogs gave statistically different results (p<0.05). Different glucose values were obtained among the three methods of measurement, having as final averages 84.14 mg/dl, 101.12 mg/dl and 91.12 mg/dl corresponding to the portable glucometer for human, veterinary and standard laboratory test, respectively. As a conclusion, the portable glucometers for human use underestimate the real glucose values, while those for veterinary use overestimate it, compared to the standard laboratory test.