Estabilização escapulo-umeral em um gato – Relato de caso
The stability of the scapulohumeral joint is granted by ligaments, joint capsule, tendons and muscles. However, traumatic injuries can cause failure of the stabilization mechanisms, which leads to articular luxation or instability. The aim of the paper is to report a case of medial and lateral right shoulder joint instability in a mixed-breed cat, presenting acute forelimb lameness after a fight trauma with another cat. Initially, it was recommended a conservative treatment through articular immobilization. However, the technique was unsuccessful, and the surgery treatment was performed, to stabilize the joint with synthetic ligament prosthetic. In the postoperative period, no crepitation or instability were identified. After eight days of surgery, the patient returned totally to the normal function of the forelimb, without movement restriction or pain. It was concluded that, although rare, the traumatic shoulder joint instability is a differential diagnosis for acute forelimb lameness and the surgical treatment can be necessary, showing a good result in the resolution of these injuries with the surgical approach and stabilization method proposed.