Linfoma extranodal de células B em vesícula urinária de um cão


  • Janaína Dalyana Dal Bosco Centro Universitário FAI UCEFF Itapiranga
  • Andressa Staggemeier Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Patricia Munhol
  • Paula Boeira Bassi
  • Guilherme Azevedo Cirino
  • Tatiane Camacho Mendes
  • Viviane Schmitt Jahnke
  • Rayza Thaynara De Oliveira
  • Cassiane Silva de Figueredo


Lymphoma is a highly recurrent rate neoplasm in the oncology routine of veterinary medicine. It can be classified into Hodgking-like, rarely described in felines, and non-Hodgking lymphoma, the latter being the most commun, subdivided into B-cell lymphoma and T-cell lymphoma. The objective of this study was to report the clinical and therapeutic conduct within the diagnosis procedures of a 12-years-old female dog, mixed breed, who manifested dysuria, prostation, abdominal pain and on the physical examination a mass in the hypogastric region was noticed. This was diagnosed as a large cell lymphoma by means cytology and biopsy, also immunohistochemistry was required which confirmed the diffuse large cell lymphoma of immunophenotyping B. Without any other sistem envolved, the neoplasm was classified as primary urinary bladder lymphoma extranodal. The animal underwent chemotherapy, performing nine sessions according to the Madison protocol, however, due to the worsening of the case, the patient died about seven months after the diagnosis of the disease. This case was extremely importante for the understanding of primary urinary bladder lymphomas due to the scarcity of informations in the literature. Also, dog is na axcellent experi,emtal model of non Hodgking lymphomas in humans, thus understandig this disease in dogs promotes the joint evolution of human medicine.


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Patologia e Análises Clínica Veterinária