Informality in the Brazilian Labor Market: An analysis of the reality of work in the city of Campina Grande-PB
Since the early 1980s the changes in the labor market, resulting from productive capital restructuring, have characterized the labor market with a high fraction of workers without a formal contract. In Brazil, this problem could have been mitigated by the fact that there is a requirement for a formal contract for all employees. However, with the economic crisis of the eighties, there is significant increase in informality. There are many conditions that lead people to informality. One of the main surge of the mismatch between the demands of the formal labor market and the qualifying conditions. This work aims to analyze the reality of informal work in the city of Campina Grande-PB. This research is characterized as documentary. The information was obtained by searching the electronic site '' Atlas Brazil '', developed by IPEA. The results showed that although the percentage degree of employees 'formal' is higher than the degree of "informal" further study becomes relevant as to the causes that lead to the growth of the informal economy in the city under study, in view of the possibility these people are exposed to the precarious relations work. In conclusion, there is the need for the existence of appropriate public policies for the region, that aim to increase employment and assist to provide a higher level of the population's well-being as a whole, thus contributing to local development.Downloads
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