Crises do Capital e Administração Flexível


  • Claudio Gurgel Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



The capital crisis, on the XX century, resulted in two distinct solutions, that had mantained the system. The first, as an answer to the Great Depression, at the latest 30's, was called keynesian-fordist model , wich really was more than that. Apart from the fordist production administration policy and the keynesian economy administration, the solution was the welfare state and the keynesian economy administration, the solution, as an answer to the contempory crisis of this model, is the flexible administration, with its methods and administration tedhniques, wich also reaches public administration. This contemporary management contributs with excluded produtivity and the uni lateral flexibility, then fake, that mantains the impass of superacumulation and inequality. 


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Author Biography

Claudio Gurgel, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Graduado em Economia (PUC RJ), Mestrado Administração Pública (FGV), Mestrado Ciência Política (UFF), Doutor Educação (UFF),

