Social entrepreneurship as an alternative to reducing poverty and social inequalities in the contemporary context of Brazilian society
At a time of great economic and social changes, where inequalities are growing worldwide, it is necessary to look for ways to overcome poverty and exclusion in developing societies. This article aims to explore social entrepreneurship as a promoter of the inclusion of citizens in economic and social vulnerability status. For this purpose, we investigate the case of confectioners women from the Brazilian municipality of Tumiritinga/MG, who sold candies and pastries on the railroad tracks passenger train in that city. We use exploratory and descriptive methodologies with a qualitative approach. We carried out the study along seven years, achieving results such as the organization of the group in the form of a cooperative, the expansion of its income, market and diversification of the products sold; in addition to the acquisition of a headquarters in the city center. The findings show that incubation process was an important tool for the social and economic transformation of these confectioners, contributing to social integration and the reduction of inequalities and poverty in the aforementioned Brazilian municipality.
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