Participação nas Teorias Organizacionais – Breve revisão do tema
Participation in Organizational Theories – Brief review if the topic
This work aims to carry out a brief review of some of the main theoretical concepts on the topic of Participation in the trajectory of Organizational Theories. It thus intends to present the approach of each of its schools on the subject, using as a time frame, mainly, the propositions elaborated in the period that goes from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century, where their philosophical, ideological and political conceptions were consolidated and ended up influencing its implementation in the space of organizations and society. Some facts had a direct influence on the topic, for example, the outbreak of the First and Second World Wars, the Russian Revolution, the period of the so-called Cold War, and the end of the Soviet experience until the fall of the Berlin Wall, among others. . Monitoring how production on the topic takes place within organizational theories: their theoretical, philosophical, ideological and political basis will allow us to understand how they were influenced by the situation of this period, where they sought to reconcile issues related to the theme of Participation, with its inherent antagonisms and contradictions. process, often irreconcilable. The final result, achieved through the presentation of the main approaches, some of its main authors and a critical evaluation on the topic of Participation in Organizational Theories, allowed a brief assessment of the level of advancement that its propositions effectively allow within the scope of organizations.
Keywords: Participation – Organizational Theories – Critical evaluation
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