A “Revolução social de Maricá”: renda básica, moeda social e promoção de desenvolvimento inclusivo


  • Diego Moreira Maggi Instituto Municipal de Informação e Pesquisa Darcy Ribeiro: Maricá, BR
  • Camila Stamm Pesquisadora do Instituto Municipal de Informação e Pesquisa Darcy Ribeiro (IDR), do município de Maricá.




Maricá is a Brazilian municipality that has been undergoing intense transformations in the last decade related to demographic growth, oil revenues and the municipal government’s set of social policies, such as free public transport and a program that guarantees a basic income transferred in Mumbuca, a social currency that only can be used in local commerce. The objective of this paper is to analyze the impacts of the combination of these social policies on the economy and quality of life in the municipality, based on statistical data and indicators. The results indicate a process of intense economic growth with social inclusion. 


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